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by evertalis
Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:10 pm
Forum: Setup, Post Install Support
Topic: RF on Win7
Replies: 1
Views: 3114

RF on Win7

Hi guys, recent member, just joined a while back, happy to be on board -- with a few suggestions for anyone out there using or looking to use RF on a Windows 7 based machine -- I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, so some of this might not be relevant, or there could be more than I personally exper...
by evertalis
Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:30 am
Forum: RF Scripting
Topic: confusing scripts
Replies: 6
Views: 4971

Re: confusing scripts

yeah the script does work as it should now. There were a lot of tiny errors in the code when taken directly from the tutorial (mostly inconsistencies in the refrences due to minor spelling mistakes and double brackets where they weren't needed), also, the script has several incomplete lines that I h...
by evertalis
Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:00 am
Forum: RF Scripting
Topic: confusing scripts
Replies: 6
Views: 4971

Re: confusing scripts

Thank you both for your rapid responses to my question. I removed the comments, checked, double checked, and checked again for spelling and the like. Guess what? It does do sort of what I wanted...I understand that you can't hold my hand through this and really appreciate your help - I think I can g...
by evertalis
Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:45 am
Forum: RF Scripting
Topic: confusing scripts
Replies: 6
Views: 4971

confusing scripts

{ FIREAMMO[pistolbullet]//Projectilefiredbypawn FIREEFFECT[Electric]//muzzleflasheffect WEAPONMODEL[Laser]//Weaponheldbypawn FIRERATE[0.1]//Weaponfiringrate GROUP[player]//PawnGroup-mustbetargettedbyenemies PLAYERSPEED[96]//WalkSpeed HEALTHATTRIB[Health]//healthattributegiventopawn HEALTHAMOUNT[500...