Hi everyone :) I didn't really know where to put this topic, but anyway here's the question: Is it possible to import a model into RF as level-geometry?. - like a model made in Milkshape, 3DSMax or so. This could be awesome if possible, and it would be much easier to decorate the levels. I think I o...
Welcome back! :D I guess I can say that even though I wasn't around in these forums that much time ago ;) Yeah, you aren't the only one around here who likes these old graphics. Even though newer engines are better visual, RF is still my favorite program. Anyway nice to meet you and good luck workin...
I actually managed to make your lakedemo work this time, and those holes are not showing up in the level. I tried to change to the same settings as in the lakedemo, but there's still those holes. However I noticed a difference in the RFEditPro game engine. It is about the water brushes. I don't know...
Hi QOD, and thanks for trying to help. :D I wish I could say that this was what I was looking for, but sadly it wasn't. StaticMesh can't handle a waterbrush going through it, not even with the settings you recommended. These holes which has been the problem with the StaticEntityProxy is also showing...
Yes, the terrain static entity is one texel above the collision brushes. The collision brushes you see through the holes, is marked as 'sky', but the only difference there is when you make them not transparent is, that you now can see the collision brush texture through the holes. When the water is ...
Hi, and thanks again for answering :D I used actorstudio to build my actor, and I did build my actor from a 24bit bitmap texture, and a model without any material on it. Actorstudio is a good tool and also quite easy to use. :mrgreen: But it didn't solve my ''holes-in-terrain-model'' problem. Nothin...
Hi :D I'm not sure if I misunderstod something: It could be something else that i noticed that may happen when you run Rf on 64 bit system win 7 ,the paletted 255 color not 256 color bitmaps that you created to a 32 bit win platform now appear as 256 bit color depth and now have transparency. This m...
Hi again. It could be something else that i noticed that may happen when you run Rf on 64 bit system win 7 ,the paletted 255 color not 256 color bitmaps that you created to a 32 bit win platform now appear as 256 bit color depth and now have transparency. This is possible because I use windows 7 64 ...
That bug you are talking about, that thing that make the editor crash, it happends to me. When I open the level, and wanna point the directories to where I use them, the editor crashes. I can't do anything about it. One click or one movement = crash.
but I'll see if I can solve this en some way
There, was only a screenshot, a 3DT file and a txl file in the download, so I could not see it with the staticentityproxy model. And I could not of some weird reason compile the level. And I also pointed the level editor directories to mine, and I used default2.txl. Anyway, I atleast got an idea of ...