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Updated Online Help for RF 0.72A

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:22 pm
by QuestOfDreams
I've updated the docs for the current RF release. They can be viewed online at
I'll zip them up for download later today

Main updates include:
Menu System
Pawn Scripting
Bump Mapping
Entity Reference

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:52 pm
by GD1
thanks Quest, this is great. :)

i do have one more question though, which i could be totally wrong about cause i haven't followed the scripting developments completely. but i remember Pickles saying something about using what he called a "hash-table" instead of if-then commands. it seems like this was supposed to replace the if-then commands and as a result if-then no longer worked. does this still apply or did this get dumped?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:12 pm
by QuestOfDreams
The hash table was a way to replace the long if - else if - else if - ... - else statement (for the ~125 script commands) with a much faster switch instruction in the low level pawn code in RF. This was a RF internal code rearrangement which doesn't change anything in the scripting syntax.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:27 pm
by GD1
oh! ok, that explains it. i completely misunderstood Pickles then. not that i really ever understood him the second he started talking about scripting anyway :lol: whatever happened to him BTW? haven't heard anything from him in more than 3 or 4 months.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:06 pm
by QuestOfDreams
The docs are available for download at

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:05 pm
by Guest
Excellent! Just wanted to ammend:

ResetAnimate(char *Animation, char *BoneName );

This is a useful command that can help position a pawn using an animation. For example...

Say an animation moves a pawn forward 32 texels. In RF, the 'real' posiiton of the pawn would still be 32 texels back. With this command, the pawn will start a new animation and position itself to the position of the specified bone, from the previous animatiton.

>>whatever happened to him BTW<<

He's building "RF2000." Here's what he has so far....

- DX9 renderer with full HLSL support.
- Complete physics system.
- Inverse kinematic bone control.
- Skeletal animation with vertex weighting
- Morph target animation with audio syncronization.
- Octree / Ocllusion system used for level geomtry
- Full multiplayer support for up to 8 players
- 3d particle system
- DEM support for terrain
- Many player and vehicle entities

Just stopped by to see how things were going. Everyone owes Daniel a big hand for keeping it alive. Anyways, see you in another 3-4 months.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:52 pm
by Spyrewolf
......erm, i guess that was you pickles,? if so sup dude, if not.....sup guy who know the where about's of pickles.....

anyhow RF2000 you say, that's a pretty nifty feature set you got there,
Speak about, outta the blue, all those wonderous toy's to play with this looks very promising....i hope it see fruition, but i'd leave it to pickles He good at pulling through!

however keeping the idea under wraps is a good way of peeps from saying....."is RF2000 ready yet?"

i know gekido, polygone, vexator and dorkula all suffered from this plague, even mete over at milkshape3d said he wished that he never mentioned milkshape 2.0.

g'ah i made that sour, sorry!

cool keep us posted mr. guest.....strange mysterious bringer of good fortunes,

sorry y'all better lay off the coffee for a while.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:45 pm
by GD1
it's great to hear that Pickles is still around. that stuff sounds awesome. and if anyone can pull it off im sure it's him. I feel so bad that i used to annoy him so much, hopefully i'm not as annoying anymore, but if i am this is an open invitation for someone to let me know ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:28 pm
by AndyCR
i indeed would like to know who this mysterious Mr. Guest is... he referred to Pickles as "he" so I assume it isn't Pickles himself... either way, this sounds phenominal! is it an extension of rf (my guess) or an entirely new engine?

also, look here:

Here's what he has so far....

which mesans that this "RF2000" already HAS all those features! amazing...

Not using Genesis I hope?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:43 pm
by gekido
I'm hoping that Dan isn't using Genesis code at all for this project, otherwise you're basically developing something that ends up being tied under the Genesis / Wild Tangent umbrella...

Otherwise, can't wait to see what this produces...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:21 am
by Spyrewolf
I just skimmed over the doc's, I couldn't find a section on sphere-mapping, either i'm too tired and missed it completely or it aint in there....
just need the prefixes again..

EDIT: (never mind I found it on the ladder act included with the release)

sorry if it is in there, :oops: (please tell me im tired....spent 15 minutes hunting it down).

but i think this should be included if it isn't, for newer members who are unaware of it.