My Game:The Talisman

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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by Matte »

I can't seem to get past the second level, I have a pickaxe, the silver bullet and the golden thingy, but the wall says I can't pass. How do I do it? I tried to use the pickaxe, but I could only select it with Enter:s
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by bernie »

Use the pickaxe to smash down the wall, it is in weapon slot 3
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by Matte »

K thanks
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by Agentarrow »

It's amazing. However, what's with debbie, she's like a stripper...
Also, I came up with a few bugs:
The fire at the pub lights up the outside
Once you smash down the wall, the guys that attack you don't die.
Also, the game lags a lot.
Saving any way besides th quicksave crashes the game
Sometimes, I can't pick up the key
and the game crashed once while switching between sword and pickaxe. The maze is rather hard to navigate, having a darker floor texture would help.
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by bernie »

Thanks for the feedback AA. Don't you like Debbie? I though having a female actor would be more interesting, a bit like Laura Croft.
The Game is an experiment to see what RF can do it's not a producion of any kind and although you can get to a third level there's nothing in it except a couple of models to look at (I may at sometime do something with it and make a game of it).
I made the 1st level entirely from SEP set with no collision and using clip brushes for collision. It did seem I could get more fps that way but I'm not so sure now. I used a lot of scripting so there could be a problem with the fire and lights when leaving the pub but they are all turned off by the trigger in the script that closes the door when you leave the pub (all the doors are pawns with their own script). I think in future I will use teleport to get in and out of buildings rather than using doors. Again the problem with the key could be down to scripting also (although I haven't come across that myself). The key is placed in one of four different locations randomly each time you start the game and is in fact a pawn with it's own script, not an attribute.
The sword is a scripted pawn also.
Level 2 is built as a conventional level using BSP but again a lot of scripting. I suppose the lag is due to trying to get too many polys on the screen at the same time. I get lag on my low end pc with win2k but my XPS pc seems to perform quite well, but then that has dual core intel pentium4 3ghz processor, 2gb ram and 500gb hard drive so I would expect it to perform better.
The problem with not killing the enemies after knocking down the wall is more than likely forgetting to switch back to using the sword (I did that quite a lot when I first made the level) the pickaxe doesn't damage anything other than the wall.
I never did anything about saving during the game, it completely slipped my mind (altzheimers setting in I suppose) so that is something to look at, and I take the point about the maze, although it might make it too easy to get through. I should really do something about lighting also, that might improve things a bit.
Anyway I hope you enjoy playing what there is of it.
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by Matte »

Here's my feedback:
I like what you have done, but indeed the pub is a bit strange. Sometimes I have problems with entering doors, but I think it isn't really your fault. I also think that it should be possible to click away the text in the beginning. For the rest, I see this as one of the most impressive things I've seen so far (Skullcrack is still my favorite :p). And ye, Debbie is a bit weird, if it is situated in the middle ages, or isn't it? I also had to wait quite long while loading the second level, but It's normal cuz it's quite big.

Yes, I know this is just a try-out, but maybe it is worth of creating a game of.
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by bernie »

Thanks for that Matte.
I think the doors create too much of a problem and like I said teleporting in and out of rooms looks a better option. To keep fps up its best if each room is sealed off altogether and everything that uses lights are turned on only whe you are in the room. I dont want to make each room a level change because it takes too long to load a new level as you've noticed.
I did try to find a way to click off the text at the beginning but failed miserably maybe I was thinking on the wrong track or something there should be a way it's just that I couldnt find it.
I did have ideas about the third level ie fighting a fire breathing dragon and some evil leprechauns
but got sidetracked with the physics release. The thing is I wanted level 1 to be a sort of staging post and having a number of different little games for each level. ie you complete the level but don't find her father and go back to the priest for another task. Each level could then be a story in itself and could be set in any timeframe (future, past, different dimesnsions etc.) and there would be no limit to the game size except for disc space. I was experimenting with placing objects in different places each time you start the game to keep interest up but I'm not sure that works too well. I am also messing around with using terrains in an outdoor setting for level 3 but I can't seem to come up with a satisfactory design as yet.
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Re: My Game:The Talisman

Post by Agentarrow »

bernie wrote:Thanks for the feedback AA. Don't you like Debbie? I though having a female actor would be more interesting, a bit like Laura Croft.
Laura Croft was not a pole dancer!!!
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