SW universe type game

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SW universe type game

Post by blutwurstchen »

I really want to make a star wars universe type game with lightsabers, blasters etc. I've seen battlefront screenshots, and am thinking about making it a little more like an RPG than a shooter (or at least a shooter with RPG elements).

The question is, If I'm just doing this for myself, and perhaps making a demo freely available I'm not likely to get sued, right? Because its fan art?

I'm motivated to do something like this because I love the star wars universe and really want to play a star wars game, but my computer is just way too crappy to run any of the real games.
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Re: SW universe type game

Post by bernie »

Personally I don't think you are likely to be sued for a demo or game you are not selling but I am not a lawyer. Copyright law is a minefield. If you are worried you need to speak to a legal representitve of your country (lawyer, solicitor or whatever) as the law varies from country to country. Of course you could always write to the copyright holders and ask their permission, but they are only likely to give it for a fee.
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Re: SW universe type game

Post by blutwurstchen »

So I was thinking about having the player start in the detention area of a star destroyer, and they have to try and escape, both by shooting stormtroopers, and perhaps using droids to lock and unlock doors etc. I do want there to be a little more interaction rather than it just being a FPS. I'm generating some a team of characters using RPA, and thinking that they could be a team of spice smugglers or something rather than jedi.

I've had some ideas about having window views that look out to space, and perhaps spacecraft flying in the distance. That's about it so far.
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Re: SW universe type game

Post by Sorington »

you can get inspirate from star wars jedi outcast or something like this... they are good sw games :)
Greetings, Sorington
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