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Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:01 pm
by Veleran
Still not very willing to simplify the lightning i tried only one central Spotlight in the room i am modeling.
There is the limitation of maximum 8 dynamic lights on screen and i do not use other lights because spotlights are the only that affect both normal mapped actors and Static meshes entities.

Oh no...heh ,only now i notice there is a piece missing the straight line between the room door and the east corridor wall.
I should have scaled up the ramp of the upper wall
all the way east to the corridor.
The ramp does not fully obscure the Player view of the south and east walls when you pass touching the wall.
However from the Player point of view in the pic,some Pawns and others like traps up to 64 units tall are still hidden.
The two crates are a static mesh on the right and a static entity on the left (the brighter).
The circular pit also has wrong texture at the bottom but i should not mention all things i see now that need some editing.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:50 pm
by seppgirty
looking good verlan.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:19 pm
by Veleran
I managed to improve the lightning,while i test how i will light the levels.
For example the room is 512 units width and length and 256 texels height has a spotlight of radius 424 at the center at 192 texels height.


Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:14 pm
by steven8
Veleran, that is just beautiful.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:09 am
by Veleran
I added some trap screenshots there,and so far i do not know how to make real wiki page sections with descriptions yet.
These traps work,the only thing is that if you hit f8 for screenshot when you stand close to them you might take damage.

Imagefree screenshot software

I still have to find a way to make the electric bolt to pause for several seconds.
Maybe i will make a pawn for it that fires projectiles with that effect but i doubt i can make the area of effect to match the projectile damage space.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:00 pm
by aicd99
The game looks nice it would be better if there is 3rd person mode could you give me a link to the demo ?

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:53 pm
by Veleran
I do not have demo at hand because i wait to model some more basic stuff like monster generator actor,the shopkeeper,not to mention that i got stuck in how to add the inventory pics.
I wish i could use the old method which was like the hud pics.

I too like the 3rd person but nowadays if you do not put plenty polycount and details,at close views it may seem like it is missing too much.
Every now and then i think about a 3rd person view switch.

If you insist i can upload the portion of the level i have made so far but there will not be many places to go and things to do.
I mean you will go through all these traps to drop the switches and enter a room,then push some buttons in there to get to some ramp sliding down leading to a wall.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:29 am
by aicd99
Veleran wrote:I do not have demo at hand because i wait to model some more basic stuff like monster generator actor,the shopkeeper,not to mention that i got stuck in how to add the inventory pics.
I wish i could use the old method which was like the hud pics.

I too like the 3rd person but nowadays if you do not put plenty polycount and details,at close views it may seem like it is missing too much.
Every now and then i think about a 3rd person view switch.

If you insist i can upload the portion of the level i have made so far but there will not be many places to go and things to do.
I mean you will go through all these traps to drop the switches and enter a room,then push some buttons in there to get to some ramp sliding down leading to a wall.
yes do that Please upload a demo and post videos on youtube. however you can revert to the 2008 RF

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:30 pm
by Veleran
I avoid to record video because it would reveal what you got to do and every time i added another mushroom or something small i would want to upload another and so on and i would like to avoid having many test videos.

Am not sure this level will be loved because the corridors are only 64 units wide (still wide comparing to real ancient catacomb corridors) ,and that is 1,62,5 meters if you want to imagine,and if i can i will wait until i make another level descending down.

Every day i find another thing that i have to model and that extends the whole work time.
Even if i say okay about that,i still have the default menu background and must do something about that too and try replace it as soon as i figure out what to do.
For example i do not know how they added that RF sphere right of the buttons,i would like to rid of that if i am to replace the rf background with a temporary ink drawing of something.

Another thing i remembered i miss is the accessories for Skeleton Knight or Warrior,Necro Skellie Wizard with pointy hood and wands and ,and possibly accessories for an end boss human necromancer,at least something simple to make him look different-like a red robe,maybe even a spellbook.
Otherwise it would be just bashing skeletons in a row at the corridor.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:12 pm
by QuestOfDreams
Veleran wrote:For example i do not know how they added that RF sphere right of the buttons,i would like to rid of that if i am to replace the rf background with a temporary ink drawing of something.
The menu layout is defined in the CEGUI layout files in gui/layouts. I think it should be in menu_main.layout and menu_credits.layout. You should be able to remove the static image displaying the RF sphere using CELayoutEditor or simply open the files using a text editor and remove the following window definition:

Code: Select all

			<Window Type="RFLook/StaticImage" Name="Menu/Main/Logo" >
				<Property Name="Image" Value="set:RFLook image:Logo" />
				<Property Name="FrameEnabled" Value="False" />
				<Property Name="UnifiedMaxSize" Value="{{0.25,0},{0.333,0}}" />
				<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.575,0},{0.335,0},{0.825,0},{0.665,0}}" />
				<Property Name="BackgroundEnabled" Value="False" />

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:01 am
by Veleran
For a long time i have a shutdown when a fireball projectile explodes and did not get any message until today when i finally had this report.I would like to know what this is about.

File.\CGenesisEngine.cpp Line 396: getEngine-SetDriverAndMode failure!

File.\CGenesisEngine.cpp Line 229:Genesis3D engine creation failure!

I wonder if i did something wrong with the effect and explosion settings and i wonder what settings i must avoid to use.

PS the fireball crashes on impact even if i do not define explosion.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:28 pm
by Veleran
The stamina auto increase rate got to be increased and balanced so you can always have the basic steady left click attack guaranteed,
while a full bar will allow you to do lets say- a total four right click alternate Power Attacks on a row with the sword that will do x2, x3, x4 .etc more damage.

If there is a stronger Skeleton Knight Upgrade and other tougher monsters,this fix will be useful.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:52 pm
by Veleran
I had totally forgot that the weapon ammunition use is the same both for standard and alternate attack.
Looks like the alternate right click power attack is dropped.
Will not be annoying to empty the stamina for the basic attack and when you get tired to wait until the stamina bar re fills?Until then you have to stand jump or run to avoid getting hit,and if you get cornered it will be even harder.

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:28 am
by seppgirty
downloaded the game but can't get it to start. is there a exe. or something?

Re: Dark Crypt (Isometric Dungeon)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:07 am
by Veleran
Run the RealityFactory.exe in the root directory like usual.
If you go far north there is a fireball trap that causes a crash which i did not remove for others to see the projectile explosion bug.
The buttons in the west room with the cage are supposed to open a door there that lead down the ramps but i have not add that door yet.