Reality Factory is much worse than Entidad3D

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Reality Factory is much worse than Entidad3D

Post by Raven »

Reality Factory is much worse than Entidad3D, because we have to use a scripting language and it takes a huge indeterminate period to learn, that plan years ago to make a game with technology of 1999, and many abandoned their projects because of this game An example is the forum rf-current foros.unity where for 5 years alone were created from 4 to 5 demos RF and many games and demos E3D
Entidad3D are more likely to use style to create games Quake, Doom, Half Life, Couter Strike, Perfect Dark, Tomb Raider, Day of Defeat, etc..
It is also possible to use in a single stake is whether a player and online play.
Something new that was ever in Entidad3D utlize Reality Factory and has the ability to have bots that can handle your taste in online mode, somewhat similar to the game Elite Warriors Vietnam, everything depends on the power of your PC.

This is not to conflict is so they can improve their drawing program that damn scripting or part of it and use comandos.ini as using E3D.

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Re: Reality Factory is much worse than Entidad3D

Post by aicd99 »

On point I didn't tried entidad3D but I will soon why not merge the coding from that engine to reality factroy.

PS I plan to.add new features in reality factroy.
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Re: Reality Factory is much worse than Entidad3D

Post by nixtons »

I know this is old but as was revived, I have to answer.

Entidad 3D can have more features, but is more closed too. Based on Gtest, it was created with a lot of stolen code from other really programmers (e.g the HUD, the cameras view, the particle system, etc.), never of them gets mention in his program and the author wants to profit from it.

I can't imagine Entidad 3D being more better than RF, because RF is open source (usefully for programmers) and have a permissive licence, based on the MIT License, when Entidad 3D is closed source and for distribute a commercial game you have to pay a highly price...

You depends fully of the programmer if you want to add/modificate a feature because is in the source code and can't be modificated/accesed externally when RF mostly of the imporant features can be modificated without access to the source code. Is true the system of scripting is a little bit more difficult, but until there stop, you have to read some tutorials to understand, the same with Entidad 3D and any program.
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