more free sounds

Discussions on how to obtain and make sound effects and music.
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more free sounds

Post by dodger »

Hi everyone,

I have been searching for a while for some nice spooky background sounds
i found this website called free sound project
there are some realy nice sounds here .. free to use but you must give credit if you use them.

you will have to sign up to get these files and make sure you have an e-mail address that is not
based in hotmail.

these files are quite short so i just created a mix of 3 or 4 seperate files to give a nice background sound.

after signing up do a search for spooky or whatever you want.
i used audacity to join and mix these files to make them longer ... it's freeware if you haven't already got it ...the link is

and here is the link for free sound project. ... e=register

hope this helps.

dodger. :D
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