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[FIXED] error C2065: 'GE_PIOVER180' : undeclared identifier

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:44 am
by beginer
Dear the author of the engine:

I am a beginer of the engine.

I download the source code and complie it with vc6.0,

there are many problems as:

ource\cweapon.cpp(839) : error C2065: 'GE_PIOVER180' : undeclared identifier

rf075bsource\source\cweapon.cpp(871) : error C2065: 'GE_PIOVER2' : undeclared identifier


would like to help me that?


Mike 11,19

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:39 am
by QuestOfDreams
I'm keeping to forget to update the genesis source/include these files in the new RF source

in basetypes.h add

Code: Select all

#define GE_2PI               ((geFloat)6.28318530717958647693f) 
#define GE_PIOVER2            ((geFloat)1.57079632679489661923f) 
#define GE_1OVERPI            ((geFloat)0.31830988618379067154f) 
#define GE_1OVER2PI            ((geFloat)0.15915494309189533577f) 
#define GE_180OVERPI         ((geFloat)57.2957795130823208768f) 
#define GE_360OVER2PI         GE_180OVERPI 
#define GE_PIOVER180         ((geFloat)0.01745329251994329577f) 
#define GE_2PIOVER360         GE_PIOVER180