
Topics regarding the actor editor Equity
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Post by creekmonkey »

Is work on Equity still going on? If so any chance of an .x exporter?
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Re: Updates?

Post by hgt_terry »

Hi creekmonkey

Yes Equity is still in development we are busy at the moment with GameDirector but we will be releasing a program called Stage in a week or 2 that will take your existing levels created in RFEditPro and convert it straight to the Ogre format for GD and RF2 it also includes a MilkShape importer.

There are many things we have learnt as we have written Stage and will be applying to GD and Equity so we will take a look at the .X file format then I have had a quick look and one key thing is will you want it for just static objects or want to include animation and what are you creating the .X file in or from.

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Re: Updates?

Post by creekmonkey »

Thanks for your reply hgt_terry. And it is good to know that Equity is still a work in progress. I have used Equity many times in the past while working with RF. But while waiting on the release of RF2, I have been toying around with other game engines as well which use other file formats. ( .x and .smd) It would be awesome to see other import and export possibilities such as DirectX. And for my own use, working with animations in the .x is needed.
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Re: Updates?

Post by Allanon »

hgt_terry, if you want a quick way to support all formats I would suggest using something like Assimp (Open Asset Import Library). It supports almost all the popular formats and they will keep adding new formats as they are created. It takes just a few lines for code to load a supported model and then you can access that model's data from the library's uniform data structures. This is much easier than writing an importer for each format. Just need to write an importer for this library and then you support all formats.
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