Movie Levels (Are They Even Possible)

Post topics regarding Level Building/Design and Entity Usage with Reality Factory
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Re: Movie Levels (Are They Even Possible)

Post by blutwurstchen »

I've never made a movie level before, and have been reading through these posts to see if I can figure it out.

Essentially, I want to make a 3D character selection level, where there are a bunch of characters standing around in a small room. By selecting a character with a cursor and clicking (or pressing the use button), you switch to a camera view which focuses on that player, by clicking again you start a game with that player.

The cameras are all fixed - so is it even necessary for me to attach them to pawns or anything?

The problem that I have been having so far, is understanding the trigger entity, and how this will help me switch between the views and select the characters. I was thinking of rather than a whole bunch of fixed cameras, I could just use scriptpoints, but how do I make a cursor visible to select the characters?

If anyone has done something like this before, I would appreciate some advice.
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