Reality Factory has stopped working.... Please Help!

Post topics regarding Level Building/Design and Entity Usage with Reality Factory
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Reality Factory has stopped working.... Please Help!

Post by isawacreeper »

PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!! When I build a level with a player setup entity and a player start entity and, after making sure they are in the room, I try to build it and preview it in the reality factory preview. But when I pick my character and click done, a message pops up saying "Reality Factory has stopped working..." and it just completely shuts down. I don't know or understand why this would happen, especially when nothing is wrong with the regular Reality Factory.exe when I load and play it. Please, I'm begging you, to help me! I have a really good idea for a game and this is the BEST program to make it! :cry:
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Re: Reality Factory has stopped working.... Please Help!

Post by realgaming135 »

Well...i don't know if this is going to help, because i am quite new to this program :lol:
You could try to make a new room (not in the same level, but as a new level) and see if it do the same as before. :)
If you cannot make it work, try to re-install it, maybe it will work.
Hope it is going to help
good luck :D
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Re: Reality Factory has stopped working.... Please Help!

Post by QuestOfDreams »

Also, please search the FAQ for possible answers.
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