sliding doors

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sliding doors

Post by scott »

i am trying to get split doors for a lift where one door goes right and the other goes left, i can make a door open one way using the model part of RF and animating it but when i want to have 2 brushes going the oposit way i need both selected when making the model, and it wont let me select the individual brushes from the model, meaning they both go the same way.
sorry if thats a bit confusing but i cant think of how to simplify the explanation.

i could make two models, one for each dore but i wanted to create it in the same model.
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Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:05 am

Post by rgdyman »

Thers probably a more effective way,
But I made 2 models.


Animated accordingly, and had them both activate off the same trigger.

Like I said, There's probably a more effective way, but this worked out.
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