Player Animation
Player Animation
Does the 3rd person and iso view shoot animation play when you keep the walk button pressed?I do not see any attack animation even if i paste the player settup animations list in the weapon ini.
He just walks and the projectile shoots or the melee weapon does the damage without the player arms do the animation.
So far i tested with the default animation list,not custom motions yet.
He just walks and the projectile shoots or the melee weapon does the damage without the player arms do the animation.
So far i tested with the default animation list,not custom motions yet.
Re: Player Animation
The PlayerSetup.ini file has the walkshootup and walkshootdwn animations listed so you could probably just override those in the weapons.ini file.
Re: Player Animation
So far these two default shoot animations do not show at all to me when ever i walk and shoot at the same time,and i ask if it happens to others.
Re: Player Animation
I thought i was the only one with that problem.So far these two default shoot animations do not show at all to me when ever i walk and shoot at the same time,and i ask if it happens to others.
Re: Player Animation
I did a little testing and also looked at the source code. It turns out the walkshootup and walkshootdwn animations get blended depending on the tilt of the camera, this is what makes the weapon point in the direction you are looking. This is also mentioned in the playersetup.ini documentation that came with RF. If you use the same animation for both walkshootup and walkshootdwn then the blending shouldn't matter but the weapon won't follow the camera.
The default virgil.act doesn't have correct walkshoot animations for 3rd person view so it doesn't look good. I would suggest making a custom walk/shoot animations and testing it out. I set walkshootup to Shoot1 and walkshootdwn to Shoot2 and was able to see the gun raise when walking and shooting but it didn't look very good.
The default virgil.act doesn't have correct walkshoot animations for 3rd person view so it doesn't look good. I would suggest making a custom walk/shoot animations and testing it out. I set walkshootup to Shoot1 and walkshootdwn to Shoot2 and was able to see the gun raise when walking and shooting but it didn't look very good.
Re: Player Animation
So far i am concerned about first about the melee animations and before i get in the trouble to make some motions i wondered if they will play at all,and that is why i used the existing motions.
It never looked like the melee weapons and isometric upper]lower blending were coded that much.
Also,i note something else- the bounding box percentage damage of the melee weapon should be adjustable otherwise all you melee weapons reach the same distance-whether it is a short dagger or a spear.
It never looked like the melee weapons and isometric upper]lower blending were coded that much.
Also,i note something else- the bounding box percentage damage of the melee weapon should be adjustable otherwise all you melee weapons reach the same distance-whether it is a short dagger or a spear.
Re: Player Animation
I did a quick edit of the WalkShoot motions in Virgil.act using Equity. I made one motion with him walking with his arm up and another with him walking with his arm down. They seem to work alright, it was hard to see the blended motions move the arm but when I reversed the animations in the PlayerSetup.ini file It was easier to see the arm move as I looked up and down. If you spend some time making good animations it should work.
Re: Player Animation
I am interested so far for the isometric view where player looks straight and does not look-blend up and down,and should make walk slash animation when i can.
Did the walk attack stop the feet animation and restarted each time you pressed attack?
It would be better if it did not.
I would be better the walking slashing to be smooth.
Does the blending happen during the whole animation?
So, if the walk attack animation has the feet idle and only the upper body does the slash,the feet would do something like half of their regular walk moves?
Did the walk attack stop the feet animation and restarted each time you pressed attack?
It would be better if it did not.
I would be better the walking slashing to be smooth.
Does the blending happen during the whole animation?
So, if the walk attack animation has the feet idle and only the upper body does the slash,the feet would do something like half of their regular walk moves?
Re: Player Animation
The blend amount depends on the tilt of the camera. If you make a single walking/shooting animation and assign it to both walkshootup and walkshootdwn then blending shouldn't matter because you will be blending the same pose. also, I think when animations change they are blended with the previous animation so it's a smooth transition. You might also play with the length of the animation to make it more smooth.
Re: Player Animation
Looks like the animators of virgil and the previous player ernie did not make the attack animation at all except in shoot1 and shoot2 and i have to do all those 30 myself and add them to the project and re compile.
How come no one complained all these years that the player does not shiw any attack animation at all while you move?
Also, the fall and jump and land motions are jerky because the whole player is positioned high above the ground in those motions and i am not concerned about the blending transition time between start and end of motions.
I suspect that raises the bounding box too high and you bump on places you could jump under,and most of all :
those animations blending jerk because when you jump up to land on a platform and nearly fall at the edge there is a fast blending with the fall maybe animation and you see the player fly up and down few times before he settles down to the ground.
Back to the melee weapon.
If when you move around while attacking the skeleton does not automatically replace the upper body animation with the shoot1 and shoot2 i have to make all the following animations.
shootup idle attack up animation
shootdwn idle attack down animation
aimup transition animation from attack up to idle
aimdwn transition animation from attack down to idle
walkshootup walking attack up animation
walkshootdwn walking attack down animation
runshootup running attack up animation
runshootdwn running attack down animation
slidetoleftshootup strafe (slide) attack to left up animation
slidetoleftshootdwn strafe (slide) attack to left down animation
slideruntoleftshootup strafe (slide) running attack to left up animation
slideruntoleftshootdwn strafe (slide) running attack to left down animation
slidetorightshootup strafe (slide) attack to right up animation
slidetorightshootdwn strafe (slide) attack to right down animation
slideruntorightshootup strafe (slide) running attack to right up animation
slideruntorightshootdwn strafe (slide) running attack to right down animation
jumpshootup jumping attack up animation
jumpshootdwn jumping attack down animation
fallshootup falling attack up animation
fallshootdwn falling attack down animation
crouchaimup transition animation from crouch attack up to crouch idle
crouchaimdwn transition animation from crouch attack downto crouch idle
crouchshootup crouch attack up animation
crouchshootdwn crouch attack down animation
crawlshootup crawling attack up animation
crawlshootdwn crawling attack down animation
crawlslidetoleftshootup crawling strafe (slide) attack to left up animation
crawlslidetoleftshootdwn crawling strafe (slide) attack to left down animation
crawlslidetorightshootup crawling strafe (slide) attack to right up animation
crawlslidetorightshootdwn crawling strafe (slide) attack to right down animation
How come no one complained all these years that the player does not shiw any attack animation at all while you move?
Also, the fall and jump and land motions are jerky because the whole player is positioned high above the ground in those motions and i am not concerned about the blending transition time between start and end of motions.
I suspect that raises the bounding box too high and you bump on places you could jump under,and most of all :
those animations blending jerk because when you jump up to land on a platform and nearly fall at the edge there is a fast blending with the fall maybe animation and you see the player fly up and down few times before he settles down to the ground.
Back to the melee weapon.
If when you move around while attacking the skeleton does not automatically replace the upper body animation with the shoot1 and shoot2 i have to make all the following animations.
shootup idle attack up animation
shootdwn idle attack down animation
aimup transition animation from attack up to idle
aimdwn transition animation from attack down to idle
walkshootup walking attack up animation
walkshootdwn walking attack down animation
runshootup running attack up animation
runshootdwn running attack down animation
slidetoleftshootup strafe (slide) attack to left up animation
slidetoleftshootdwn strafe (slide) attack to left down animation
slideruntoleftshootup strafe (slide) running attack to left up animation
slideruntoleftshootdwn strafe (slide) running attack to left down animation
slidetorightshootup strafe (slide) attack to right up animation
slidetorightshootdwn strafe (slide) attack to right down animation
slideruntorightshootup strafe (slide) running attack to right up animation
slideruntorightshootdwn strafe (slide) running attack to right down animation
jumpshootup jumping attack up animation
jumpshootdwn jumping attack down animation
fallshootup falling attack up animation
fallshootdwn falling attack down animation
crouchaimup transition animation from crouch attack up to crouch idle
crouchaimdwn transition animation from crouch attack downto crouch idle
crouchshootup crouch attack up animation
crouchshootdwn crouch attack down animation
crawlshootup crawling attack up animation
crawlshootdwn crawling attack down animation
crawlslidetoleftshootup crawling strafe (slide) attack to left up animation
crawlslidetoleftshootdwn crawling strafe (slide) attack to left down animation
crawlslidetorightshootup crawling strafe (slide) attack to right up animation
crawlslidetorightshootdwn crawling strafe (slide) attack to right down animation
Re: Player Animation
So,you agree that Virgil has to be updated with those 30 attack motions for shooting and another 30 of them for the melee weapons?
Re: Player Animation
Or you can write a player script that moves the player and blends the animation the way you want.