Civilian Scripting

Topics regarding Scripting with Reality Factory
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Civilian Scripting

Post by Dysphoriac »

Does anyone have, or could anyone possibly make me, a civilian scripting. That uses ScriptPoint navigation but without all the enemy stuff. just a simple script taking characters from place to place using animations but no attacks. I haven't quite yet figured out how to do this from scratch and when I edit other scripts I screw them up quite a bit. But I would highly appreciate it if someone could help me. Thanks.
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Post by jonas »

I'm in the middle of making one for my game! But I'm going to make it to were the will all so get in and out of cars. I could give the script to you before I add the other stuff. You do know that you will have to set up those points in the level right? If you would like me to make this script for you I will need to know all the points you have set up in your level and what animation and such that you want to use, and if you want them to walk back and forth or go around the block or to a random point. I assume you are making a city type game? Anyways if you would like me to help me with that script send me a PM with all the details. I myself have just started in the last year but I've learn most of the scripting functions, and this would give me an excuse to get started on working on the script for my game.

If you would like to learn to script check around for tutorials! Its fairly easy.

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