Can someone help me scripting movies?

Topics regarding Scripting with Reality Factory
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Can someone help me scripting movies?

Post by Nighthawk_0973 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:04 am

I know you have to script movies but I can't find much information in the manual...
I want to make in-game cutscenes but I also want them to be high quality (therefore, my screen recorder isn't goign to be part of this picture) I know that the RF developers did some crazy thing like that but I want to make my own scenes with voiced acting if possible. So I have some questions:

What is the script command to call upon sound files/actor animations and how do I specify this for indivisual actors (say I was doing twins or identicale soldiers with the same .act file) also, what do I do with this script and than how do I get this script stuff to load in my world?

Also, where do I save these files and what entity and variable in that entity should I use to create my things, I'm an advanced developer and am starting on some more complex and detailed structures instead of just bare rooms with the same robot enemy over and over again but you'll have to note that I'm using an older version (075A) so not everything might be open to me.

Thanks so much for your help! <-- Infinite Universe Website. It's a 2D MMORPG I'm releasing into beta near the late summer (I hope :D) note: RF isn't an MMO maker. Not yet anyways.

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Re: Can someone help me scripting movies?

Post by darksmaster923 » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:25 am

you need to use triggers and scripts.

create a pawn for the camera (pawn should be invisble), then create waypoints for the camera to move along. when the camera reaches a certain point, activate a trigger to play the animations for the pawns.

script commands are in the help files.
Herp derp.

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