Juutis' game thread!!! (Nirhis)
Juutis' game thread!!! (Nirhis)
[EDIT 8-4-07]
Nirhis - the official development thread
The Nirhis train demo game is available at http://seri.fi/~juutis/nirhis_train.rar.
The Gameplay
Nirhis is just a basic first person shooter. Nothing new. My primary goal is to release a full game made with Reality Factory, everything else (such as people liking the game) is bonus. There are, however, some things around which the whole development process revolves:
1) Giving the player loads of weapons to choose from. There won't be a clear 'best weapon' or 'worst weapon'. Each weapon will have their strenghts and weaknesses. I will balance the weapons when the rest of the game is finished, so some guns are pretty useless in the demo game.
2) The inventory system: The player will be able to pick one primary weapon (the 'big' weapons: SMG, assault rifle, sniper rifle etc...), one or two secondary weapons (pistols, sawed-off shotgun, ingram) and one melee weapon. You will need to use all the weapons in order to get past the toughest parts.
3) Balance between realism and unrealism. Headshots with most weapons will take almost any enemy down, and they will also take you down pretty easily if you're not careful. I will include tight indoor levels as well as medium sized open areas so you are going to need both, fast reflexes and good sniping skills.
( 4) Giving the player options about how they can proceed. Basically this would involve choosing between blasting your way through an area and sneaking past the enemies. I will try to make the levels as non-linear as RF allows me to. But if I have to choose between a non-linear level with bad framerates and a linear level with excellent framerates, I will pick the latter one. )
The Story
The story is pretty basic stuff and full of clichés: You wake up in a backalley. You see a dirty homeless man shaking you. "Wake up, wake up. You okay?" The screen flashes white and you see a flashback. You are in a laboratory of some kind, tied to a chair. People with white coats are examining you. "Sir, he's awake!", you hear. FLASH, you are back in the alley. The man helps you stand up and asks "Who did this?". FLASH. You see yourself reaching for a knife in a table in the lab room. Under you there's a guy in a white coat and you raise your hand to stab him. FLASH. Back in the alley, the homeless guy is lying under you, blood all over him. You hear "You there, FREEZE!!". A police officer has seen you. You start running and so the game begins...
I will not reveal anything else from the story apart from that it's about finding out who you are and what has been done to you. You will see flashbacks throughout the game. Everything will be in first person, like in Half-Life. You will never see what the main character looks like. There will be some weird stuff going on in the game but it will all make sense when you finish it. I can say that there will be a major twist in the end.
The story is also a part of a larger story. I'm planning to make a sequel with RF2.
The Weapons
Primary weapons:
Double Shot '08 (DS08)
A compact, very reliable firearm. It looks like a submachine gun but on the inside it's something totally different. The weapon's unique bolt design allows it to fire .45 rounds with either semi-automatic or the 'Double Shot' fire mode. When in the 'Double Shot' mode the gun loads and fires two rounds almost simultaneously but takes a longer time to recover afterwards.
Tactical Assult Firearm (TAF) - SMG
An advanced version of the DAMP submachine gun. With certain modifications the recoil has been removed almost completely. The firerate is about the same as in DAMP, but the magazine is a lot larger holding up to 40 rounds. The TAF also has two firemodes, but instead of semi-auto this firearm can shoot burst of 3 bullets. The TAF also comes with a built-in suppressor making it ideal for stealth missions.
The Tommy Gun - SMG (in the demo version)
A fairly inaccurate submachine gun with a drum magazine holding 70 rounds. The Tommy Gun is a traditional gun for mobsters and so it has a special value among criminals. Especially among organized crime. It may not be the best weapon with rather strong recoil and not-so-great accuracy but still it is used widely, thanks to its reputation.
RK ("Rynnäkkökivääri", finnish for "assault rifle") - Assault Rifle
Based on the famous AK assault rifles, the RK combines reliability, accuracy and ease of use. The firearm has a mounted scope which makes it ideal for combat in big, open areas. It is very accurate, though the recoil makes long bursts impossible. It is at its best when firing single rounds or burst of 2-3 rounds with the scope. The RK is especially popular among all kinds of security companies and law enforcers. If you ever encounter a police special squadron, be prepared to deal with guys carrying RKs. In that case, I wouldn't want to be you...
Universal Army Weapon (UAW) - Assault Rifle
The bullpup (magazine in the back) style UAW is the primary weapon used by the army. Its high rate of fire combined with excellent accuracy and low recoil makes it a deadly weapon. Especially in the hands of a fully trained soldier. The UAW also has an integrated grenade launcher which makes it even more fearsome. My advice: Don't stick around when the army wants you!
The Pump Action Shotgun
The shotgun is widely used by civilians and the police as well as criminals. It's a basic gun for hunting, be the pray ducks or men. Every game has one, so there's no need for further explanation. Oh, this gun has a secondary action: You can hit enemies with the stock which knocks them back.
The Stryker Shotgun
This one's my favourite. Need to kick some bad guys' ass indoors? Grab the Stryker! It's a fully automatic shotgun with a drum magazine of 12 rounds. It's a miracle if you find a breathing guy in a room after emptying a magazine there. The front grip makes it easier to control, though the recoil still kicks really hard.
The Sniper Rifle (in the demo version)
Well, every game's gotta have a sniper. This one kills all enemies (exept the bosses) with a couple of shots, even in the legs. A headshot means certain death. Too bad this applies to you too. The enemy sharpshooters will have deadly aim and they won't hesitate to shoot!
3x3 Portable Device of Destruction (3x3 PDD) - "The Old Painless"
No explanation needed... barrels, lots of rotating barrels and a breathtaking rate of fire. The gun has no sights. They aren't needed, just point somewhere and squeeze the trigger. No one will survive, that's for sure.
The Multi-Rocket Launcher
I added a panel which shows how many rockets are left. So you can see your ammo in the HUD as well as in the weapon.
Looks like a normal rocket launcher, right? Well the trick here is that you can stuff up to four rockets in the tube and start a chain event where each rocket is fused just after the previous and all rockets are launched. You can either launch them one by one (primary fire) or simply empty the whole weapon (secondary fire). This weapon is the ultimate boss killer, since it can deal a massive amount of damage in no time. It takes a lot of time to reload though, since each rocket must be placed individually into the weapon.
Secondary weapons:
(These can be dual wielded)
The Hawker Pistol (in the demo version)
A pretty inaccurate, ineffective pistol. One of the most common weapons in the game.
The Black Bull Revolver (in the demo version)
A rather accurate revolver. High damage and recoil. You won't be seeing many enemies with these guns but when you do, you should be careful.
The Sand Vulture
A very accurate pistol. Or maybe 'cannon' would be more describing. The .50 bullets that this baby shoots can pierce almost anything and kill anyone with a single shot. You DON'T want to meet a bad guy with this gun.
The Ingmar M11 SMG
The only SMG that can be dual wielded. This weapon has pretty fast rate of fire, and thanks to the low-caliber bullets that the M11 uses, the recoil isn't too bad either. Too bad the damage isn't too great. However, a well aimed burst to the upper body of an unarmored foe will probably take him down. When not dual wielding, you can also attach a suppressor to the gun making it a good weapon for sneaking around.
The Sawed-Off Shotgun
What needs to be said? Two barrels, two shots and HUGE spreading. The ultimate short range weapon. And by 'short range' I mean REALLY short range, like when a guy could almost touch your nose with his own nose.
CGL (Compact Grenade Launcher)
A grenade launcher that can be shot with just one hand. It shoots grenades... and the usual stuff. I've been writing this post pretty long so please excuse me for writing lousy descriptions. The gun needs to be reloaded after every shot.
The Barreda Pistol
A weak handgun equipped with a suppressor. Has decent accuracy and low recoil, but low damage as well. You'll get this weapon pretty early and it's gonna be very useful in certain stealth/puzzle missions.
Melee weapons:
The Knife (in the demo version)
You'll start with this one. Just a basic melee weapon with which you can slash or stab. Stabbing kills most enemies instantly but takes a lot longer than slashing.
The Nunchaku
Very effective in melee combat. Just press down the attack button and the nunchaku will start swirling around you. Any melee attacks made against you when you are using the nunchaku results in the injury of the attacker. The melee attack made against you will do nothing and the attacker may get damaged or knocked back.
The Stunstick
A stick charged with electricity. You can either swing your enemies with this, which probably knocks the enemy unconscious, or shoot a short arc of electricity through the air, which stuns the enemies for a couple of seconds.
[EDIT 3-25-2011]
Removed broken links
======== ORIGINAL POST ==========
I have been thinking recently whether to stay with my RPG or move back to develop my FPS. And now I'm pretty sure I have at last made up my mind.
I've decided to freeze the RPG. RF is just not suitable for a RPG with large outdoor areas, melee combat etc... RF works best with indoor areas and weapons that shoot projectiles. This kind of game is also pretty simple to make, so I'll continue on my old game, a FPS based on a comic character.
But I'm not throwing the RPG away for good. I'll try to finish the FPS before RF2 is released and then start working on the RPG. I believe RF2's gameplay can be customized more easily and so it'll be easier to make the RPG with RF2.
This thread is about the FPS game and I'll try to keep you guys updated of my process.
I had a big exam on Friday. And with "big" I mean a very very very important exam, my whole future depends on this and some other "big exams". My next "big exam" will be in six months, and until then I will be having more free time. And thus more time to work on my game.
I decided to renew the gameplay and use scripted player instead of RF's player. I've started working on the script already and made some progress. The player moves already and there's one first person weapon. I'll still need to position the weapon correctly though...
Scripted player&weapons will allow me to create a dual wielding system. It'll be a nice challenge and I'm looking forward to that!
Also, my Milkshape doesn't work for some reason. I need it mostly to make new weapon animations because the current animations are hard to use as pawns' animations. So once I get my Milkshape working again, I can working on the weapon system properly.
But that's it for now... I will probably let you guys know something about the story at some point.
Ahh, and some months ago I posted some screenshots of my game here.
Nirhis - the official development thread
The Nirhis train demo game is available at http://seri.fi/~juutis/nirhis_train.rar.
The Gameplay
Nirhis is just a basic first person shooter. Nothing new. My primary goal is to release a full game made with Reality Factory, everything else (such as people liking the game) is bonus. There are, however, some things around which the whole development process revolves:
1) Giving the player loads of weapons to choose from. There won't be a clear 'best weapon' or 'worst weapon'. Each weapon will have their strenghts and weaknesses. I will balance the weapons when the rest of the game is finished, so some guns are pretty useless in the demo game.
2) The inventory system: The player will be able to pick one primary weapon (the 'big' weapons: SMG, assault rifle, sniper rifle etc...), one or two secondary weapons (pistols, sawed-off shotgun, ingram) and one melee weapon. You will need to use all the weapons in order to get past the toughest parts.
3) Balance between realism and unrealism. Headshots with most weapons will take almost any enemy down, and they will also take you down pretty easily if you're not careful. I will include tight indoor levels as well as medium sized open areas so you are going to need both, fast reflexes and good sniping skills.
( 4) Giving the player options about how they can proceed. Basically this would involve choosing between blasting your way through an area and sneaking past the enemies. I will try to make the levels as non-linear as RF allows me to. But if I have to choose between a non-linear level with bad framerates and a linear level with excellent framerates, I will pick the latter one. )
The Story
The story is pretty basic stuff and full of clichés: You wake up in a backalley. You see a dirty homeless man shaking you. "Wake up, wake up. You okay?" The screen flashes white and you see a flashback. You are in a laboratory of some kind, tied to a chair. People with white coats are examining you. "Sir, he's awake!", you hear. FLASH, you are back in the alley. The man helps you stand up and asks "Who did this?". FLASH. You see yourself reaching for a knife in a table in the lab room. Under you there's a guy in a white coat and you raise your hand to stab him. FLASH. Back in the alley, the homeless guy is lying under you, blood all over him. You hear "You there, FREEZE!!". A police officer has seen you. You start running and so the game begins...
I will not reveal anything else from the story apart from that it's about finding out who you are and what has been done to you. You will see flashbacks throughout the game. Everything will be in first person, like in Half-Life. You will never see what the main character looks like. There will be some weird stuff going on in the game but it will all make sense when you finish it. I can say that there will be a major twist in the end.
The story is also a part of a larger story. I'm planning to make a sequel with RF2.
The Weapons
Primary weapons:
Double Shot '08 (DS08)
A compact, very reliable firearm. It looks like a submachine gun but on the inside it's something totally different. The weapon's unique bolt design allows it to fire .45 rounds with either semi-automatic or the 'Double Shot' fire mode. When in the 'Double Shot' mode the gun loads and fires two rounds almost simultaneously but takes a longer time to recover afterwards.
Tactical Assult Firearm (TAF) - SMG
An advanced version of the DAMP submachine gun. With certain modifications the recoil has been removed almost completely. The firerate is about the same as in DAMP, but the magazine is a lot larger holding up to 40 rounds. The TAF also has two firemodes, but instead of semi-auto this firearm can shoot burst of 3 bullets. The TAF also comes with a built-in suppressor making it ideal for stealth missions.
The Tommy Gun - SMG (in the demo version)
A fairly inaccurate submachine gun with a drum magazine holding 70 rounds. The Tommy Gun is a traditional gun for mobsters and so it has a special value among criminals. Especially among organized crime. It may not be the best weapon with rather strong recoil and not-so-great accuracy but still it is used widely, thanks to its reputation.
RK ("Rynnäkkökivääri", finnish for "assault rifle") - Assault Rifle
Based on the famous AK assault rifles, the RK combines reliability, accuracy and ease of use. The firearm has a mounted scope which makes it ideal for combat in big, open areas. It is very accurate, though the recoil makes long bursts impossible. It is at its best when firing single rounds or burst of 2-3 rounds with the scope. The RK is especially popular among all kinds of security companies and law enforcers. If you ever encounter a police special squadron, be prepared to deal with guys carrying RKs. In that case, I wouldn't want to be you...
Universal Army Weapon (UAW) - Assault Rifle
The bullpup (magazine in the back) style UAW is the primary weapon used by the army. Its high rate of fire combined with excellent accuracy and low recoil makes it a deadly weapon. Especially in the hands of a fully trained soldier. The UAW also has an integrated grenade launcher which makes it even more fearsome. My advice: Don't stick around when the army wants you!
The Pump Action Shotgun
The shotgun is widely used by civilians and the police as well as criminals. It's a basic gun for hunting, be the pray ducks or men. Every game has one, so there's no need for further explanation. Oh, this gun has a secondary action: You can hit enemies with the stock which knocks them back.
The Stryker Shotgun
This one's my favourite. Need to kick some bad guys' ass indoors? Grab the Stryker! It's a fully automatic shotgun with a drum magazine of 12 rounds. It's a miracle if you find a breathing guy in a room after emptying a magazine there. The front grip makes it easier to control, though the recoil still kicks really hard.
The Sniper Rifle (in the demo version)
Well, every game's gotta have a sniper. This one kills all enemies (exept the bosses) with a couple of shots, even in the legs. A headshot means certain death. Too bad this applies to you too. The enemy sharpshooters will have deadly aim and they won't hesitate to shoot!
3x3 Portable Device of Destruction (3x3 PDD) - "The Old Painless"
No explanation needed... barrels, lots of rotating barrels and a breathtaking rate of fire. The gun has no sights. They aren't needed, just point somewhere and squeeze the trigger. No one will survive, that's for sure.
The Multi-Rocket Launcher
I added a panel which shows how many rockets are left. So you can see your ammo in the HUD as well as in the weapon.
Looks like a normal rocket launcher, right? Well the trick here is that you can stuff up to four rockets in the tube and start a chain event where each rocket is fused just after the previous and all rockets are launched. You can either launch them one by one (primary fire) or simply empty the whole weapon (secondary fire). This weapon is the ultimate boss killer, since it can deal a massive amount of damage in no time. It takes a lot of time to reload though, since each rocket must be placed individually into the weapon.
Secondary weapons:
(These can be dual wielded)
The Hawker Pistol (in the demo version)
A pretty inaccurate, ineffective pistol. One of the most common weapons in the game.
The Black Bull Revolver (in the demo version)
A rather accurate revolver. High damage and recoil. You won't be seeing many enemies with these guns but when you do, you should be careful.
The Sand Vulture
A very accurate pistol. Or maybe 'cannon' would be more describing. The .50 bullets that this baby shoots can pierce almost anything and kill anyone with a single shot. You DON'T want to meet a bad guy with this gun.
The Ingmar M11 SMG
The only SMG that can be dual wielded. This weapon has pretty fast rate of fire, and thanks to the low-caliber bullets that the M11 uses, the recoil isn't too bad either. Too bad the damage isn't too great. However, a well aimed burst to the upper body of an unarmored foe will probably take him down. When not dual wielding, you can also attach a suppressor to the gun making it a good weapon for sneaking around.
The Sawed-Off Shotgun
What needs to be said? Two barrels, two shots and HUGE spreading. The ultimate short range weapon. And by 'short range' I mean REALLY short range, like when a guy could almost touch your nose with his own nose.
CGL (Compact Grenade Launcher)
A grenade launcher that can be shot with just one hand. It shoots grenades... and the usual stuff. I've been writing this post pretty long so please excuse me for writing lousy descriptions. The gun needs to be reloaded after every shot.
The Barreda Pistol
A weak handgun equipped with a suppressor. Has decent accuracy and low recoil, but low damage as well. You'll get this weapon pretty early and it's gonna be very useful in certain stealth/puzzle missions.
Melee weapons:
The Knife (in the demo version)
You'll start with this one. Just a basic melee weapon with which you can slash or stab. Stabbing kills most enemies instantly but takes a lot longer than slashing.
The Nunchaku
Very effective in melee combat. Just press down the attack button and the nunchaku will start swirling around you. Any melee attacks made against you when you are using the nunchaku results in the injury of the attacker. The melee attack made against you will do nothing and the attacker may get damaged or knocked back.
The Stunstick
A stick charged with electricity. You can either swing your enemies with this, which probably knocks the enemy unconscious, or shoot a short arc of electricity through the air, which stuns the enemies for a couple of seconds.
[EDIT 3-25-2011]
Removed broken links
======== ORIGINAL POST ==========
I have been thinking recently whether to stay with my RPG or move back to develop my FPS. And now I'm pretty sure I have at last made up my mind.
I've decided to freeze the RPG. RF is just not suitable for a RPG with large outdoor areas, melee combat etc... RF works best with indoor areas and weapons that shoot projectiles. This kind of game is also pretty simple to make, so I'll continue on my old game, a FPS based on a comic character.
But I'm not throwing the RPG away for good. I'll try to finish the FPS before RF2 is released and then start working on the RPG. I believe RF2's gameplay can be customized more easily and so it'll be easier to make the RPG with RF2.
This thread is about the FPS game and I'll try to keep you guys updated of my process.
I had a big exam on Friday. And with "big" I mean a very very very important exam, my whole future depends on this and some other "big exams". My next "big exam" will be in six months, and until then I will be having more free time. And thus more time to work on my game.
I decided to renew the gameplay and use scripted player instead of RF's player. I've started working on the script already and made some progress. The player moves already and there's one first person weapon. I'll still need to position the weapon correctly though...
Scripted player&weapons will allow me to create a dual wielding system. It'll be a nice challenge and I'm looking forward to that!
Also, my Milkshape doesn't work for some reason. I need it mostly to make new weapon animations because the current animations are hard to use as pawns' animations. So once I get my Milkshape working again, I can working on the weapon system properly.
But that's it for now... I will probably let you guys know something about the story at some point.
Ahh, and some months ago I posted some screenshots of my game here.
Last edited by Juutis on Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:34 pm, edited 18 times in total.
Pain is only psychological.
Well good luck with your project and your exams when they come!
I think its cool having three games being developed out here on the forums! Well the progress of these games being posted here! It shows that were really working on games wiht RF!
I have seen your screens before and again I say they look great! Also I love the sound of it being based on a comic character! Is this an existing comic or one your making up for the game?
I have also had trouble with milky in the past but I seemed to fix it by down grading to an older version and then putting in my serial code again into the older ver. this got it working again! But I dont know why? So this may not work for you but any way again good luck!
*cant w8 2 here 'bout Ur story!*
I think its cool having three games being developed out here on the forums! Well the progress of these games being posted here! It shows that were really working on games wiht RF!
I have seen your screens before and again I say they look great! Also I love the sound of it being based on a comic character! Is this an existing comic or one your making up for the game?
I have also had trouble with milky in the past but I seemed to fix it by down grading to an older version and then putting in my serial code again into the older ver. this got it working again! But I dont know why? So this may not work for you but any way again good luck!
*cant w8 2 here 'bout Ur story!*
My Deviant Art - http://black-crusader.deviantart.com
Im just psyced (happy) that I finnally helpd sum1 LOL!
Hope it stays working for you! It took me mothes to work that out when mine broke and I kinda did it as a ''this wont work but hey ive tried everything else'' plan!
Hope it stays working for you! It took me mothes to work that out when mine broke and I kinda did it as a ''this wont work but hey ive tried everything else'' plan!
My Deviant Art - http://black-crusader.deviantart.com
- Posts: 866
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:27 am
- Location: PA, USA
Re: Juutis's game thread!!!
I am glad to hear about your new plans for your game and I am looking forward to hearing about its progress and details .
Please keep me informed about your dual weapons script/scripted player.
Hey, sounds like we're in the same boat! How soon are you going to try and script the dual weapons system? Is your plan for dual weapons like what I have posted I want in my game thread? If so, I would love to help because I need the same kind of script.Juutis wrote: Scripted player&weapons will allow me to create a dual wielding system. It'll be a nice challenge and I'm looking forward to that!
Please keep me informed about your dual weapons script/scripted player.
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
I think we're more like in two different boats on the same lake.
Our systems are a bit different. The biggest difference is that my game will be in first person and yours in third person (...right?). So I don't have to worry about the player animations or about attaching the arms correctly to the body.
In my system the arms will be completely independent from the actual player character. They're just pawns that are positioned near the camera creating an illusion of first person weapon(s). Then the actual 'main character pawn' attaches the camera to it and moves around, rotates, jumps, climbs etc...
It'll be much harder to make all this in third person. You need to make the different parts work together. The arms must be attached to the body and you'll also need more animations. In first person the main character isn't visible and so no animations are needed, but in third person he can be seen...
So, overall, I guess the basics are going to be the same but we will need quite different scripts.
I'll post more when I get more work done.
Our systems are a bit different. The biggest difference is that my game will be in first person and yours in third person (...right?). So I don't have to worry about the player animations or about attaching the arms correctly to the body.
In my system the arms will be completely independent from the actual player character. They're just pawns that are positioned near the camera creating an illusion of first person weapon(s). Then the actual 'main character pawn' attaches the camera to it and moves around, rotates, jumps, climbs etc...
It'll be much harder to make all this in third person. You need to make the different parts work together. The arms must be attached to the body and you'll also need more animations. In first person the main character isn't visible and so no animations are needed, but in third person he can be seen...
So, overall, I guess the basics are going to be the same but we will need quite different scripts.
I'll post more when I get more work done.
Pain is only psychological.
Um can I look at your player script so far?
Since im trying to learn scripting myself, to make my scripted player to enable possesion of enemys etc... but I learn much better when I can see it already done! Like with enemy pawns ive learnt ''how they work'' by looking at the scripts that cum with RF so mabey I could look at your scripted plaetyer and learn from that? Please...
Thanks very much!
*cant w8 to see sum of you game and how you get that dual weapons thing going!*
Since im trying to learn scripting myself, to make my scripted player to enable possesion of enemys etc... but I learn much better when I can see it already done! Like with enemy pawns ive learnt ''how they work'' by looking at the scripts that cum with RF so mabey I could look at your scripted plaetyer and learn from that? Please...
Thanks very much!
*cant w8 to see sum of you game and how you get that dual weapons thing going!*
My Deviant Art - http://black-crusader.deviantart.com
Sure. It's nothing fancy, though. It only hides the player and checks if a movement key is pressed (W,A,S,D) and if so, moves to the correct direction.
If you want to test it, disable all controls in the install\control.ini and add a pawn with this script to a level.
Well, anyway. Here it is. I had to zip it. The extension '.s' is not allowed.
If you want to test it, disable all controls in the install\control.ini and add a pawn with this script to a level.
Well, anyway. Here it is. I had to zip it. The extension '.s' is not allowed.
- Attachments
- player.zip
- (701 Bytes) Downloaded 278 times
Pain is only psychological.
Thanks! I just really need an example of how to start a scripted player an this sounds perfect! Ill download it on the weekend and playaround wiht it then!
Thanks so much man!
Thanks so much man!
My Deviant Art - http://black-crusader.deviantart.com
- Posts: 866
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:27 am
- Location: PA, USA
I know somewhere in my thread 3rd person was mentioned but I am making a first person shooter. However, the way I plan to set things up will be so that I could make it third person by only moving the camera, so yes we are in the same lake but different boats .
Think outside the box.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
To go on an adventure, one must discard the comforts and safety of the known and trusted.
Oh ok. Somehow I was under the impression that you are gonna make it completely 3rd person. Well, good thing it's clear now.
I started to play around with Milkshape, and ended up modeling a pistol. Just for fun. When I started I though that it would be only a quick and simple pistol. Well, I finished it and now I like it very much! And I decided to use it in my game as a first person weapon.
Here's a screenshot, 382 polys.
I can also upload it if someone wants it.
I started to play around with Milkshape, and ended up modeling a pistol. Just for fun. When I started I though that it would be only a quick and simple pistol. Well, I finished it and now I like it very much! And I decided to use it in my game as a first person weapon.
Here's a screenshot, 382 polys.
I can also upload it if someone wants it.
- Attachments
- pistol.jpg
- (74.96 KiB) Downloaded 318 times
Pain is only psychological.