A rendering question...

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A rendering question...

Post by Juutis »

How does RF decide which actors it renders and which not?
I'm scripting first person weapons and I'm having hard time figuring out how to get RF to render the weapon pawns properly. The pawns move and rotate with the camera, but when looking at certain directions, they just disappear. I think it's because they are so close to the camera.

Is there any way to make RF render a pawn (or any actor) no matter where it is?
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Post by Spyrewolf »

this is to do with bounding boxes,

i know this because i had it happen to me one time, i know what your thinking ..."WHAT, does a bounding box have to do with rendering?"

the answer, i don't know?, but what i do know is if the bounding box is higher than that of the camera it won't dissapear, this was pointed out to me a long time ago, on an old forum which we no longer have around,

however try up the height on the bounding box slighty and see if you can get it to work.
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Post by paradoxnj »

Genesis does this through what is called a viewing frustum. It's the field of view from the player. Genesis clips the actors to the frustum from the sides meaning that if only half the actor is in view, only half the actor is rendered.

The far clip plane is what decides how far away the actor is rendered. I believe that RF controls the far clip plane via the EnvironmentSetup entity.
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Post by Juutis »

Thanks for the info! I played around with the bounding box and now it seems to work!
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