Normal mapping + diffuse and specular maps?!?

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Normal mapping + diffuse and specular maps?!?

Post by Spyrewolf »

just wondering is it possible to add these into our normals, i haven't really tried, has anyone else tried to apply these to models?

i know that Embm can support Specular maps, but not sure if it supports both (specularity + diffuse)

also can normals include the two above?!? if they do what extensions would do i include?

if it isn't possible would it be hard to add such things because i think our models will greatly benefit from these,(i know this is a bit of a feature request at the same time as a question )
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Post by GD1 »

well, with EMBM it isn't really a specular map, its more of a lightmap (actually very useful for glowing actors). And with it you also input a diffuse map and a bumpmap. The only textures Normal mapping will take are the diffuse & normal maps.

To do what you're talking about I actually used a method very similar to what you did in OpSpreWolf to put a semi-transparant spheremapped texture overtop of a diffuse texture, and in doing this you could use a normal map for the bottom layer instead of a diffuse. Federico did a really nice tutorial on this. But as far as having SPECULAR hi-lights on a model, i don't think that's possible right now.

But I've been using specular(gloss) maps overtop of normal maps in Psychopath's engine, and let me tell you this increases how good things look by 200% or more. If we could get Normal mapping working better and include a specular map with it we'd really be drawing some attention.
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Post by Spyrewolf »

Actually that's very good thinking, a bit expensive for what im doing however, but good to know none the less (this technique skipped my mind)

Cheers for the idea anyways
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