Hello, somebody knows as to create one template, I know that click in “customize template” but and after is necessary configured what I must make for template to appear in the place of template customized (In the side of template standards)?
I tested the tutorial: http://www.realityfactory.info/cms/tuto ... asics.html without sucess...
My English is bad and this did not facilitate to me very...
Help to create Templates
In menu Build -> Compile... ???GD1 wrote:build your template as a standard level (.3dt file). save it and put it in your templates folder.
If yes then Error Message:
** BSP Compile Version: 15
** Build Date/Time: Jan 31 2005,06:32:56
--- Load Brush File ---
Num Solid Brushes : 6
Num Cut Brushes : 0
Num Hollow Cut Brushes : 0
Num Detail Brushes : 0
Num Total Brushes : 6
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
PlaceEntities: No valid entities for operation 74.
Failed to remove hidden leafs.
Compile Failed: GBSP_CreateBSP encountered an error, GBSPLib.Dll.
P.S.: Which is the directory standard of templates or I must define the place (and where to define)?
I think you mean prefabs. The listbox right beside the buttons for the basic primitives shows any prefabs you may have on hand. You do not have to compile to create a prefab. The errors you show are from trying to compile a level without the 2 needed entities player start and player set up.
So: To create a prefab, you just need to build an object in the editor, then save it as a .3DT file in a folder named objects right here: C\:Reality Factory\media\objects (you will have to create the 'objects' folder)
Then, when you open the editor, this primitive will be there to just select and place in your level.
So: To create a prefab, you just need to build an object in the editor, then save it as a .3DT file in a folder named objects right here: C\:Reality Factory\media\objects (you will have to create the 'objects' folder)
Then, when you open the editor, this primitive will be there to just select and place in your level.
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
It's also possible to select the things you want as a prefab and then use 'add new LibObject' (in rfedit) or 'New PrefabBrush' (in RFEditPro) in the 'tools'-menu. Then a dialog box pops out where you can enter the name of the template.
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.