1.) I set up a teleporter and a teleporter target and set the offset to true so that you would come out at the same angle as you went in, but I encounterd a problem when I go in the screen flickers black for a few secs before you are teleported to the other side... witch is a problem since I wanted it too feel like you are going on and on and on forever when In fact you are just looping.
2.) I have taken sum ones advice (sorry I forgot who it was) who said that in order to create nice large worlds that can still be renderd in RF you can just scale the world and the player. Well I set the world scale to 0.3 and the player actor scale and the player scale to 0.3 BUT then when I play every thing looks gr8 in 1st Person but when I switch to 3rd person then I see this;
The fact he is lying down I have fixed but the camera is still tooo high and when you walk forward your comfortable camera angle wont even allow you to see you player.
3.) The third issue im having is also about the 3rd player camera. It seems to be fine when you come out of 1st person it works ok untill you walk a little and stop cause the moment you release a movement key the camera moves back and away! So you cant see the player properly is it possible to adjust the camera and make it stay behind and just above head height of the player???
This is how it goes when yu release a movement key for sum reason (this is in a level with no player or world scaling and as you can see I fixed the actor rotation)
3.) My final problem is getting the sky dome to work. I have set the entity in the middle of the level (my level is inside a big hollow box just for compiling cause if you dont have a sealed box around the level it does not compile for sum reason) and here is how I set up the entity;
and here is the script im using;
Code: Select all
Start[ ()
SetSkyDome(1000, 128);
SetTerrain("flat.bmp", "desert256.bmp");
SetLocation(920, 10, 16, 23);
SetTwilightColor(255, 101, 114, 255);
SetSkyColor(116, 208, 241, 255);
SetSunColor(255, 226, 146, 255);
SetAmbientLightColor(128, 128, 128, 128);
} ]
Run[ ()
} ]
Code: Select all
Start[ ()
SetSkyDome(4920, 128);
SetTerrain("flat.bmp", "desert256.bmp");
SetLocation(920, 10, 16, 23);
SetTwilightColor(255, 101, 114, 255);
SetSkyColor(116, 208, 241, 255);
SetSunColor(255, 226, 146, 255);
SetAmbientLightColor(128, 128, 128, 128);
} ]
Run[ ()
} ]