Destructable enviroment?
well cant I just use brushes that are converted to models??? Cause they dont seem to mess up the editor like the actors do...
My Deviant Art -
Ive now started on my first of my test levels, so far the blocks seem to work well, Im just makeing brushes and then making them into modles and applying the destructablemodel entity to them, and it 'works' but it took me 10 minutes to do three blocks, since I have to apply a different 'destructablemodel' entity to each new model, other wise when you destroy one model all the others on that entity are destroyed aswell!
i roughly worked out that itll take me nearly a week to make each mine shaft! There has to be a quicker way! Please if any one has anysuggestions im open to em.
Thanks for all the help so far guys!
i roughly worked out that itll take me nearly a week to make each mine shaft! There has to be a quicker way! Please if any one has anysuggestions im open to em.
Thanks for all the help so far guys!

My Deviant Art -
Personally, instead of making EVERYTHING destroyable, i'd make a series of caverns and use small sections of caved in geometry or weak points in the rock that connect the caverns/rooms. That way the player has to search around and find the weak point in the rock wall where they can hit it with their drill and destroy it to advance to the next room/cavern. Plus, this will be a lot easier on you, since you don't have to add a new entity for every section of geometry.