New Screen and Layout Options, Please?

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New Screen and Layout Options, Please?

Post by ititrx »

I would like to be able to use RF in a lower resolution than 1152x864.

Also I would like all the panels to either be in a pop-up or on the right side of the application and only drop down 1/2 to 3/4 of the way.

This would allow the inner screen the working screen to be larger, requiring less mousing in and out to handle items placement. I have to constantly right click, click camera to move in and out to line up brushes.

It is very tedius the way it is set up because you have to then click to go back to where you were placing your template, and then another template has been added in, which gets in the way.

It would be great to be able to click the camera in the view to move in and out instead of right clicking, or just clicking anywhere in the open space of the grid, perhaps outside the box.

Perhaps even have the inner form/window separate from everything, allowing it full size. Perhaps putting the most used commands vertically down the side in a movable menu. Even adding an auto hide feature to the menus.

For instance the template panel could be 2 columns instead of one. The texture swatchs could be listed by name in a short cholumn and when you clicked a name you would see the swatch in a preview window beside the short column.

So would that be very difficult? :wink:
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Post by Juutis »

I would like to be able to use RF in a lower resolution than 1152x864.
Aren't there several options in the VideoSetup? Like 640x480, 800x600 etc...
Or is it up to the computer (graphics card?) which resolutions are available :?:

I assume the rest of the 'feature requests' are about the level editors.
At least in RFEditPro you can move all the panels and toolbars freely. I haven't used the other editors much so I don't know about them....
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good question

Post by ititrx »

Sorry, I forgot about all the other pieces of RF.

I would like these options added to RFeditorpro.

If you are in a lower resolution than 1152x864 you cannot view/use the lower third of the screen/form.

Oh, I just tried again to hook a menu to the side and it worked. I also moved the panels to the right, but they are not resizable. Nor can you move them to the top menu, which would be excellent, in mho.

Thanks, I wouldnt have tried again to move the menus around. LOL.
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Post by Juutis »

If you are in a lower resolution than 1152x864 you cannot view/use the lower third of the screen/form.
Ah yes, now I got it. And you're absolutely right!
The lower parts of the side panels can't be used and that sucks!
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Post by jonas »

yeah we need to add a scroll bar, I always use a higher resolution so I hardly notice.

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