It would be more accurate if it was calculated from the center of the BoundingBox.
I am talking about split terrains (terrains split into several sections) which are then much easier to produce... right now we have to do some pretty annoying work with EntityOrigins to get LOD to work properly.
If i am right this can be changed by altering only two lines of code:
in CStaticMesh.cpp:
float dist = (geVec3d_DistanceBetween(&CamPosition, &pMesh->origin) / CCD->CameraManager()->AmtZoom());
changes to
Code: Select all
float dist = (geVec3d_DistanceBetween(&CamPosition, OBBcenter) / CCD->CameraManager()->AmtZoom());
However, i cannot compile it because i don't have MFC, so i don't know if this works.
I attached the file so that someone who has MFC can compile it to see if it works... please let me know or send me the compiled RealityFactory.exe because i have a level that has need of this feature. Either way please respond here on the forums first.
(i didn't know if i should put this into the programming-section, i thought i cannot prove it so it is a request for someone to test it.)