I' m having problems with the SoundtrackToggle entity. In my level I’ve two of them. With just one, everything works fine. With the second one added, a number of things happens:
1. One of them works the other doesn't
2. Both of them work but the second one plays the soundtrack of the first
3. None of them work and after exiting the level preview I get an error message (realityfactory.exe crash)
4. To activate either of them I have to approach from a certain direction and not from any direction
5. When the specified soundtrack is an mp3 file sometimes it plays sometimes it doesn’t (the same file)
Both soundtracktoggle entities have the same settings (but different sound files)
boneshot: false
bstreamloops: true
range: 150
sleep time: 30
Any ideas on what's wrong?
Is there any other way to change soundtracks during play time?
SoundtrackToggle entity problem
Yes there is another way, if you want to do some scripting you could do this with a script, the following two commands should help you (low level)
(from the RF manual)
About the SoundtrackToggleEnitites i am not sure it maybe their areas are overlapping?
(from the RF manual)
But before you start a new soundtrack you should stop the old with StopAllAudioStreams() because otherwise the sounds will overlap.RF manual wrote: StartSoundTrack(char *Sound );
Play the audio stream Sound.
Stop all audio streams.
About the SoundtrackToggleEnitites i am not sure it maybe their areas are overlapping?
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