Mouse compatibility

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Mouse compatibility

Post by cipher123 »

Hey there all,

Just to point out an error I've found...

I'm a left hander, so I use my mouse on the left side of the keyboard, with primary and secondary buttons switched around.

However, the RF editor and RF itself don't work when the buttons are swapped, nomatter which clicker you press.

So basically it means that whenever i try to use RF, I have to swap around my mouse buttons.

Perhaps the next version of RF could have this changed?

I don't know how hard it would be to change it, but it sure would help left handers.
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Post by vegas WP »

Being left-handed, I decided to tinker with this to help you. I normally use all aspects of a computer as though I was right-handed.

I have a Microsoft IntelliPoint mouse with a scroll wheel and optical for a mouseball. I went to the mouse icon in the control panel and in the first window was a checkbox for "ENABLE PROGRAM-SPECIFIC MOUSE SETTINGS". I checked that box and then went to the SETTINGS button in that same window. The next window has a list of programs that you can add to or remove programs. I added RFEditPro to the list. Next I highlighted RFEditPro in that list and changed the buttons to left-handed controls. Then I hit OK, on the next screen I hit APPLY. After that I went to RFEditPro and tried it out. It worked. I used the right-click button to open up dropdown menus and to even exit out of the program. I haven't explored full functionality, but it seems good so far.

If you don't have a mouse that allows program-specific mouse settings, you might consider a different mouse. Also, this was done in an XP SP2 OS.

Good luck.
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Post by scott »

just done a quick search and found the programe vegas wp mentiond, its free and on the microsoft site ... nload.mspx
it supports any type of mouse i belive.
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

I think there is a WinAPI function that can detect this setting... I'll have to look it up...
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

RF will detect swapped mouse buttons in the next release (RF 0.75C)
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