gbsp compile error

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gbsp compile error

Post by Veleran »

I have installed RF0.75a and the RF0.75B patch and can not compile any levels in the editor except the pre-compiled levels
with "entities only" checked.

I get this message:

--- Create Area Leafs ---
ConvertGBSPToFile: geVFile_OpenNewSystem failed.
Compile Failed: GBSP_SaveGBSPFile for file: C:\RF0.75A\media\levels\Sun.bsp, GBSPLib.Dll.

The .txl paths and the rest are ok.
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Post by Jay »

did you compile it competely before?
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Post by Veleran »

Some levels were compiled in an earlier version,
and others were demo levels like the cripting tutorial.
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

It could be that it doesn't like the point in the file's path C:\RF0.75A\media\levels\Sun.bsp
Try to install RF to a different directory (eg RF075A)
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Post by Veleran »

Yes,this is the problem.I could nt compile anything.
I installed it again like you said,and it it is fine now.
Thanks a lot.
vegas WP
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Post by vegas WP »

I'm having a similar problem and not sure how to fix.

--- Create Area Leafs ---
ConvertGBSPToFile: geVFile_OpenNewSystem failed.
Compile Failed: GBSP_SaveGBSPFile for file: c:\realityfactory\media\levels\rfeditpro2.bsp, GBSPLib.Dll.
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vegas WP
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Post by vegas WP »

OK, I've got this one figured out until something new comes along. So, I thought I would post some things I checked and have had successes with.

When you compile your level, check the current save path in the dialog box that pops up when you select the compile option. I have had to manually edit this to get the desired results. I rename the .map file to the same name as my current level I'm working on. It was keeping old filenames up there.

Also check the inieditor and see if any checkboxes that should be checked are unchecked. The inieditor is typically located in the tools sub-folder of your RF folder. Just use Windows Explorer to find the inieditor. Perhaps a moderator here can list what boxes should be checked and any other related information.

You can also check your realityfactory.ini file to make sure your video settings are correct. It is located in your Reality Factory folder.

Finally, the last thing I keep forgetting, is to compile the lighting when I add a new area to my level. I have had previews that didn't work after compiling the .bsp and vis. Then I went back and did the lighting and it loaded fine.
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Post by hike1 »

ConvertGBSPToFile: geVFile_OpenNewSystem failed.
Usually just quitting either World Editor or restarting the
computer removed this error for me, but it's been a while.
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