what u lot think of different games

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what u lot think of different games

Post by scott »

from that games manifesto post i looked at i came up with an idea of creating a post to get peoples views of different games so mabe one of us could add these features into our own games, now you could keep these ideas to your self so people dont coppy them but if you all do this, this post wont work, and if you realy dont want to share whats good about the games say what you think are bad about games so we know what not to include in our games.
Metal Gear Solid 2. every thing you do effects the environment around you, like you can shoot the glass, and it smashes.

Need For Speed Under ground, cars have minimal damage.

Lord Of The Rings. The Return Of The King. alot of enemies to kill, mening you are always busy.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. there are so many differnt things to do and collect, if you get tired of driving you can fly or go for a boat ride.

so you get the idea good and bad point about games to help people develop games and get better ideas.
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Post by Master »

The Suffering - Simple gameplay. Great job of making the game feel like a horror movie. The story is set at a great pace. You should play it for yourself to get what I mean, because I honestly cant explain why its so good...it just is.

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Completely open world. Theres nowhere you cant go. Walking accross the world on foot would take like 2 weeks real time. The depth of gameplay and sheer amount of options are endless. You can pick up any item in the world from Sword to Spoons and scrolls to brooms. Amazingly realistic.

Countless Games - The one universal sign of a lazy level designer...Invisible Walls! I recommend never using these. The sad part of it is so many games do.
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Post by Xenogaska »

zelda ocorina of time (think i spelled that wrong): great play control good camera control.
Might and Magic 6: huge expansive world, plenty to do, alot of time taken on most things, lots of side quests.

personally i find i like games the most if they have great play control, if they don't then i dont really care how good the graphics are im not playing it.
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Post by SithMaster »

Halo and Halo 2-coop play added to replay by giving you and a buddy a chance to play campaign together instead of just trying to kill each other in multiplayer.

This is general stuff might have repeated some stuff but this way it will sink in

I dont really care that much for games that let you carry more than 2 or 3 guns. I feel it takes away a strategic element. I like unreal tournament goty and the others but only for gameplay and fun but i always stick with 1 or 2 guns onless they're out of ammo.

Games that where if the enemy can attack you or your ai allies they chose you. This happened alot in gundam side story 0079.

Speaking of which ai should be make bots smart not super strong. Enemy ai should have tactics like distraction, formation, cover fire while another advances, hand gestures, shouting out commands, duck behind stuff and use cover effectively, ambushes, flanking. Also allies should do the same only to the enemy and should not get in the way. Also they shouldnt shoot at you if your in front of the enemy but stop and continue if you get out of the way. And if you and the allies are exploring and you come across enemies they should attack if you attack or if you are attacked. This way they dont ruin your sneaking.

Also there should be a way to control allies or for them to at least be able to not do stupid stuff.

Make weapons everyone are going to use. Example being pistols in an fps. They are generally weak and have a small clip so make it more powerful or make it a fallback gun if all other guns are empty.

Minimal amount of keys for control. Dont go overboard with all the different keys you can use. There are like over 30 on a keyboard but if you are in a gunfight and have to worry about pressing a five key combo your kinda beat since in order to do that you or just me maybe have to look down at the keyboard. So basically simplify the controls.

Also dont give enemies insane advantages. If they have shields or you have it stated somewhere that the enemy is stronger than humans alright but dont make them invincible to make it a challenge. Use ai for that.

Have alternative ways to accomplish something. Dont have the player need to use a certain hallway. Let them use the vents, maintance shafts, side passages and what not.

Yeah this was stated but no invisible walls. Use cliffs, actual walls, windows, or death like if your snowboarding and go off course you get impaled by trees or something.

Realism usaully is not a bad thing. If your game is based on a real life theme or something similar than dont let players jump and change direction in the air like jumping forward then turning left and now your flying to the ledge on the left.

If its grpahics over gameplay chose gameplay.

Levels need a purpose to advance the story or something.

Dont use repitition in level design ie backtracking unless its necessary.

Theres alot more stuff i'll add more later.
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Post by scott »

wel Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, i have that game, played it for about 4 hours and noticed i got nowhere, lol the tes set(or what ever its called) is good because it lest you add stuff to the game, and mabe its a bit too big or dosnt start you of on a mission straight away, so i was lef exploring a cave half way up the map on the left to finde glass boots and nuting realy to stop me because i was low level and my freind asked if i came against some sort of hard thing to kill, so its a good game but story line isnt started of too good (if there is one)

realism is good i like Enter The Matrix. you are able to shoot at tiles on some walls and they fall of, i think a better game for this was Mercenaries Play Ground Of destruction, i never played the game but i was told you could blow buildings up. COOL..... need to get that game.
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Post by SV2.0 »

Clive Barker's Undying
Makes great use of atmosphere to instill fear in the player instead of shock tactics like other horror games. Its the only game that freaks me out and makes me jump at small noises... Not even resident evil 4 makes me do that. Awesome FPS/Survival Horror game. Check it out.

Resident Evil 4
Action button. Used to trigger scripted actions like jumping out of a window or dodging enimy attacks. Actions are displayed with a cinimatic camera. It looks sweet in the game.
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Post by Master »

tes set(or what ever its called) is good because it lest you add stuff to the game
I have no idea what your talking about. You must have it for PC. I've got the XBox version
and mabe its a bit too big or dosnt start you of on a mission straight away
I see what your saying but i learned to appreciate its openness. I gives you things to do but if you don't do them it really won't impeed gameplay. This gives it a realistic 'live your own life' type of gameplay but yes it can be a bit loose. Sometimes restricions are what a player needs.
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Post by Spyrewolf »

I've watched Massive playing God of War, and can honestly say i've never seen a more cinematic game than this,

the shear amount of actions and animations that is packed into Kratos (thats the lead character) is amazing, jumping grapling slashing, hacking, climbing, kicking, this guy can nearly do anything the developer have honestly put hours into the game and testing, it is truely unique in terms of game play and animations...
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Post by SithMaster »

I think i posted this in a wrong thread but in game design check out the halo 2 guns topic.

Openness is good but if your too open then the player doesnt accomplish anything either cause he cant find where to go, doesnt want to continue, or anyother reason then all the work put into the rest of the game is wasted.

But the game cant be too linear either. If a player has to go a certain way to advance the plot or find something then it okay but i think it best to have multiple paths with benefits and disadvantages.

SV2.0 brings up a good point about atmosphere. In addition to what he said if you want to scare the player show him the shadow of the creature and/or sounds and then show the actual creature. this way the players imagination can do some work for you.

Warning marathon spoiler ahead highlight to read
Have decent save points/areas. Its probably my fault but today i was playing marathon infinity and i teleported to kill the phtor captain for the former rampant ai and can save but cant find health/shield dispensors so i keep dieing and reloading. So now its just me doing the same thing over and over.

also if you can get your hands on a copy read the book game design secrets of the sages for all around info on most if not all genres.
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Post by scott »

yea i do have morrowind for the PC, its called TES (the eldor scrolls) construction set, it lets you alter the actual game and add stuff like hills, different charactors, different items it alows you to alter the map in any way, and add new voices for the charactors i think but like i sed before i never got into the game but if you like modding gams and you like Morrowind its grate.

and about the different noise effects, i know what you mean i recently played a game with that sort of effect called Silent Hill 2, my grandmother was hiding behinde the sofa almost and i too thought the effects were good especialy with dolby digital surround sound, but i think we are going to have difficulty with that one just with RF i think you might need some audio software to record mix it to get the right sound. Still on the subject of sound i hate GT4 when you get into a mitsubiti evo and then you get into a RX7 and the engine sounds exactly the same. so at times sound is very important but i think aslong as you dont have the same sound for somthing that is completely different.
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