If you have Q1 or Q2, try this editor out to make .map files with. Then
open RFEditPro, click 'File...Open' (not import), to open the .map file.
I'm no expert with quark, just discovered it while looking for a better
editor. You will need some form of Quake game installed to use it.
It's the closest thing to a in-game level editor I've seen. (besides Cube)
QuArK... it's mmm, mmm, good!
Quark is good, but i prefer Worldcraft/hammer editor for map making, world craft has so many neat options......It's the closest thing to a in-game level editor I've seen. (besides Cube)
the bummer is now'a'days you can only use WC for valve related games,
But valve i'd like to see you prove a map made with WC, has actually been made in WC!!!
....hmmm *ahem* sorry bit off topic there,...
basically i can see no real harm in using this editor and it so robust