Sadly, i am having problems to compile the source because now (i had to switch computers, the old one burned out, no data was lost) it's giving me linker errors i have never seen before. This is why i could not change the Realityfactory.log head to "RealityFactory CR....". I hope you forgive me.

The 'normal' download (documentation + needed files)
Source code
An additonal file you have to link to to compile the source
I hope this free file hoster works...
Please post bugs regarding this version ONLY in this topic, because otherwise we might get confused when somebody posts a bug to bug reports and it's about this version. Problems with this version should also ONLY go into this topic.
Read the documentation before starting. Enjoy!
---------------------------------------------------------------BEGIN EDIT-------------------
Feature list: (taken from the documentation)
This Release adds:
-Enchanched Weapon System: It is now possible to add up to 16 weapons to one pawn actor. When a weapons are assigned to a pawn, you MUST make sure that the first slot (0) is also assigned, otherwise you will get crashes sooner or later.
-Particle Wind
-WindGenerator Entity
-Adding of Dynamic Entities (=Actors) is now possible.
-Gravity is now represented as 3 component vector (XYZ) so that if you want, you can make the gravity go like three down and one to the east. With this, the entry in EnvironmentSetup also has changed.
-A bunch of new script commands, namely:
-FreezeEntity(char* entityname);
-Math(…), by Nout, just in case someone needs it.
-Environment_SetGravity(float x, float y, float z);
-Environment_SetWind(float x, float y, float z);
-Environment_SetWindBase(float x, float y, float z);
-SetForceEnable(bool enabled);
-SetWindGenerator(bool enabled);
-ForceXYZ(float x, float y, float z);
-AddDynamicEntity(char* szActorFile, char* szEntityName);
-RemoveDynamicEntity(char* szEntityName);
-PreLoadActor(char* szActorFile);
-The following script commands were altered to fit the new Pawn Weapon system:
-SetWeapon(char* name, int slot);
-RemoveWeapon(int slot);
-If you wonder where the EAS (=EntityAreaSystem) has gone, i’ve thrown it out of the release because there was a bug i couldn’t solve. The code is is there for you to see and maybe solve the bugs, but the entry in GameEntityDataTypes.h is commented out. If you really want to test it, uncomment the entry in GameEntityDataTypes, but don’t say i have not warned you.
-----------------------------END EDIT-------------------------