Hello again to everyone.
I have a question, but i need good answer.
I have nem terrain generator. Could i create a terrain in that program and set it in REALITY FACTORY, like outdoor level. And does anyone have a link for tutorial to make terrain and set in RF Edit Pro.
there are ways round making terrains in other programs but its not advisable unles you can export to .bsp format, i have not found an exporter yet, the way round this is to have sections of terrain that join up, this makes things hardwork though, there are a few .bps terrain generators out there, theres also a free one.
forum topic
http://www.realityfactory.info/forum/vi ... +generator
there was also someone round here i belive that was able to do the work around, but i cant remember the name of the forum topic so you will have to search for it a bit.
forum topic
http://www.realityfactory.info/forum/vi ... +generator
there was also someone round here i belive that was able to do the work around, but i cant remember the name of the forum topic so you will have to search for it a bit.
Exporting to *.bsp will do nothing because just that it is a *.bsp file means that it is a RealityFactory - *.bsp file. The exporters cannot know whatt entities rf has, so it's simply not possible for them to create a realityfactory-*.bsp file.
It is, however, possible to use anything that exports to the QuakeI/II/III *.map file format. I believe Nems can export to *.map so you can use that. Then in rf's editor, you open the *.map file. This way it gets imported into rfedit/rfeditpro/wrldedit.
It is, however, possible to use anything that exports to the QuakeI/II/III *.map file format. I believe Nems can export to *.map so you can use that. Then in rf's editor, you open the *.map file. This way it gets imported into rfedit/rfeditpro/wrldedit.
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.