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Vote on this game idea...

Post by Agentarrow »


This idea i've been working on since I got RF. It isn't very far. I need some real people to judge it so that I have real results and I will see how this game would go over on the market if I finished it and sold it. If you are going to vote on the game, please post what you did or did not like about it.
The game is called Terra Trooper. You can see a bit more of it by going to (no www) and looking into the link marked Agent Arrow News and then going into the link marked Terra Trooper (please check the website above before voting although you don't have to. This piece is setup like a quick guide that will lead you through the game (the real guide is more in-depth. (Don't ask what anything looks like yet, what I have decided things will look like is posted on my website, what isn't posted there I haven't decided what it looks like yet)

Blue Text is a cutscene

Red Text is a boss fight
Green Text is special part

Mission File TTF0648351
Open File?
Yes No
(Click Yes)
Mission File TTF0648351
Contact with Space Station Chimera 5 lost.
Contact established but no answer to all communications attempts
Mission: Get to Chimera 5 and render assistance to scientists. Find out reason for communications loss.
(Zeth White stands up from in front of a computer. Walks away. Shows Hangar Bay. Zeth climbs inside of the Helios. Ship takes off out into space. Zeth looks around into space. Shows him headed towards Chimera 5. Shows Hangar bay, Helios lands. Zeth climbs out. He puts his pilot helmet on the seat. Camera circles Zeth. Camera zooms in to his head. Camera switches to first person

Take a walk around. Look at some things. Just enjoy the scenery, It’s not going to last long. As you exit the room, it shows that There are no scientists at their posts.
You see something move. You move to investigate

Move around the corner. There’s someone there.

Zeth reaches out with a hand. The “someone” is some sort of mechanical-alien cyborg and it’s not friendly.
You must kill the creature quickly.

Once it’s dead, Zeth moves down to investigate.
You go back to 1st person. A message appears on your HUD

Message: Helios

What was that? Scanners show that you fired shots and that shots were returned, but no hostile life forms appear on my scanners. There must be something wrong. If you could bring a sample of the Creature’s DNA, I could update my databanks.

Zeth turns around to go back to the Hangar. As he arrives, There is an explosion. Blocking his entry with Rubble.

Message: Helios

I have a bit of news. Both bits are bad. First, the explosion wasn’t an accident. There Was a source, the main command center has all kinds of these switches that activate an explosion that can block some entrances. The explosion has completely destroyed the entrance to the hangar, however there is a second entrance, But it’s at the other end of the station. You should get there, eliminate all Hostile life forms on your way to ensure that they don’t block the other entrance. This has become a search-and-destroy mission.

You must hunt down all enemies on the space station. Follow it all as far as it goes. Eventually, you will have destroyed all the enemies. At this time, You get a message

Message: Helios

You must get out! Someone has put the station on a crash course into Earth! Get back to the hangar as fast as possible!

WARNING! WARNING! Station crash course activated! Self Destruct in Five Minutes!

Zeth begins to run

Make your way through the station in five minutes to get to the hangar

About halfway, there is an explosion that flings you into a cloning experiment container. There is another explosion and Zeth emerges He begins to shake uncontrolably, like he's having a seizure. Slowly, Someone begins to split off from him. It has darker, almost purple skin and Black hair. He has bright red eyes and wears a black and purple version of the uniform Zeth wears and is a dark replica of Zeth himself. The dark version leaps up and goes to grab a gun from his pocket, feeling none he Glares at Zeth He flips backward and disappears. Zeth gets up and continues to run towards the Hangar.
Just do what you normally would. Go through the level until you reach the hangar.

Zeth runs and leaps forward, climbing in to the cockpit. The Helios takes off and out of the hangar. Zeth inserts the sample tab into the ship’s computer. Scanning… Creature identified and logged. “Helios, I’ve seen another life form there. Like me but dark… I’ve named it Zeth Black. So if I talk about Zeth Black, you’ll know who I’m talking about.” Zeth looks back in time to see the Station explode.
The explosion knocks the Helios off course “Helios! Get back on course! We must get to Terra HQ!”
Message: Helios

I’m afraid I can’t do that. The explosion knocked out my thrusters. The best I can do is a small canyon area where a Terra Trooper outpost is set up inside an ancient carved out building. We might be able to get help there.
The Helios crashes. Zeth climbs out.
Message: Helios

Not good! The creatures have already taken this place. I’m getting signs of multiple of the same creatures as the ones on the station. I am also getting a sign of one creature with a similar reading, but much stronger and slightly altered, be careful!

Enter the outpost with caution. There are enemies everywhere. They could be around any corner and in any room.

Once you reach the end, the ground begins to shake and a monstrous creature emerges. It roars “I am the one who led my troops here. They weren’t enough for you, but you are now weakened and I will destroy you like the other Humans here. The Revolution of Earth has begun!”

Commander Dark matter

The commander is as strong as his troops, but with more health. You’ll have to keep moving to avoid his attacks. Keep shooting the heck out of him He’ll die soon enough. Just don’t take a whole lot of hits. His licks are killer since you can’t survive more than a few. Once you nail him good a few times, he’ll die.
With Dark Matter Dead, Zeth begins to walk forward, as he does, something flies from Dark Matter. Zeth picks it up. Cutscene skips to Zeth walking out of the building and to the Helios, still carrying the strange object. He tosses the item in and climbs in after it.
Message: Helios

That’s an Energy Container; it is full of artificial life energy. Once I add this to your systems, it will activate and keep you alive, even if you lose all your life energy. The tank will empty and you will be brought back to full health. Look at the left side of your HUD to see how many you currently have; represented by the rectangles on your screen, full tanks will appear solid, while empty tanks will be only an outline. The tank will be wired into your systems as soon as possible. There is some other good news as well.
Zeth sits back “Finally, this was getting really annoying with all the bad news.” Yes, my thrusters are repaired enough to get us a short distance nothing even close to HQ however. Zeth sighs “I thought you said this was good news, well, whatever. If it gets us any closer, let’s do it. Helios sputters, rattles, and lifts off jerkily. Flying up into the clouds.
Message: Helios

There is a large camp set up down there, it appears to be our next best bet but it may be under Alien control. Zeth nods. “If it possibly has communications, I’ll take it.” The Helios begins landing sequence Helios lands, Zeth climbs from cockpit. Buildings lie everywhere. Some are smashed or toppled over, some look unsteady, some look alright.

Make your way to the large building in the middle that is marked COMMUNICATIONS TOWER AREA. The door is knocked off of its slide track and is made of heavy and incredibly strong metals. You won’t be moving this anytime soon; however, you might be blowing it up in the near future. Just pelt it with whatever weapon you wand (the disk launcher or scattergun look the coolest since they have a nice big boom) Once you bust the door, go inside the building. There should be some screens blinking some various images. Keep going up. Follow the Antenna to the top of the building. Go out on the roof. Once you get onto the roof, the worst strikes.
Message: Helios

Get here now! There are Aliens everywhere! They are appearing on my scanners. It’s a mad flurry of them. Heading your way, reaching in 2 minutes! Go! Go! Go!

Run as fast as you can to get away from the flurry of Aliens. You have a 2 minute countdown timer to navigate your way to the Ship and stand on the gray platform pulsing with light.

Zeth leaps up and into the cockpit. The Helios takes off before he has the chance to strap in or even shut the cockpit. The canopy closes as it takes off.
Message: Helios

I’m glad you made it out alive. I seriously doubted your ability to reach me in time. Zeth looks up. “Really? Well, I made it didn’t I?” True… Well, I still haven’t fixed myself enough to get you to HQ; although there is a spot I can take you to that has no signs of the Aliens, it does, however, have definite signs of Trooper Activity. I think it might be a small battalion or encampment. We should warn them of the coming battles and invasion. “Good, land there. They might be able to help us and fix your thrusters.
When the Helios lands, mechanics immediately start working on it. Zeth climbs out. A trooper comes to meet him. “Mike Plains, We saw your ship coming and recognized the tracker as Terra Trooper. We figured you might be here to bring news of who or what has caused our communications loss.” Zeth nods “Zeth White, I know what caused your communications loss, they did the same thing on Chimera 5. They’re some sort of Alien race come here for the “revolution” of Earth. They conquered Chimera 5 until I came. They disrupt communication to where they’ll strike next. Arm your men, there is going to be a bloody battle tonight.” Mike points to some men “You there! Make sure all the soldiers are ready for a fight.”
Explore the encampment. It’s not huge, but it’ll be peaceful for a little while. Once you’re ready, go to the main building. It’ll start the fight.

There are shots fired. Zeth runs out to see that the Aliens are here much sooner than expected.

There are only a few, they won’t take long to kill, but you might have a tough time dodging all their attacks. use the trooper huts for cover. Once the Aliens are dead, head back towards your ship.

Zeth begins to climb into the Helios. Mike walks up “you’re leaving us?” Zeth looks away “I have strict orders to report to HQ ASAP. You’ll do fine on your own, you have good men.” Mike nods. “Yes… you’re right. Go, HQ needs to know what we’re up against. We’ll stay here and buy you as much time as possible, your ship is fixed, and it’ll get you as far as you need. Don’t disappoint us.” Zeth finishes climbing into the Helios and buckles in. As the canopy is closing he says “I won’t” the Helios lifts off. As Zeth is flying away Mike salutes. Zeth looks around the cockpit. “Feels new.”
Message: Helios

They did a good job. We’ll be arriving at HQ soon.
The Helios lands. Zeth climbs out and begins to run into the building.

Explore the inside of the HQ building. It’s pretty big. There isn’t anyone in any of the halls. There aren’t any enemies either. Once you’re ready to finish, head into the large hallway, but make a pit stop on the way there.

Look for a small cube sticking out of the wall. Move over to it to discover it is actually a hidden door. Inside is a small container, that’s right, an energy container.
Once you’ve nabbed the container, head down the hall. You won’t be able to add that to your life stocks yet since Helios has to wire it to your systems. Once you reach the end of the hallway, go through the door marked “DIRECTOR”

Zeth bursts through the door. “Sir There is an alien invasion coming this way and…” Zeth cuts off. The Director’s chair turns around. Zeth Black is sitting in it. “Really? Well, I’ll get right on that.” He snaps his fingers. The doors shut and lock. He stands up. “I meant to destroy you when we first met, but in your favor, I was unarmed.” Zeth White grabs his gun. “I’ll kill you right here!” Zeth black draws a weapon as well. “Now is that any way to talk to yourself?”
Zeth Black

Zeth isn’t as powerful as some of the enemies that you’ve faced, but he does have a special way you need to fight him. You can only hit him when he is on the ground, he can warp and even float in the air. If you see him freeze up, don’t bother firing, he’s already somewhere else and that’s only a leftover image. When he warps and stands on the ground, he’s about to unleash dark attack, where he sprouts two more arms and has a different gun in every hand. He fires them all at once. (The weapons are: handgun, shrapnel gun, shot gun and disk launcher, which is the most deadly since it fires explosive grenade-like disks. Just keep nailing him when he’s about to use dark attack and you’ll succeed against Zeth.

Zeth black falls to his knees and coughs up blood. “Next time, I won’t be the shadow!” Zeth white fires, but Zeth Black has warped away at the last moment. Zeth White walks out of the building. He climbs into the Helios.
“The aliens haven’t struck, but Zeth Black has.”
Message: Helios

Is that the cloned-shadow you told me about? I got a life sign reading, he’s corrupt since he was not only cloned from you, but there was also some alien DNA in him. He registered at a reading of 10% match to the Alien DNA you brought me and an 85% match to your DNA the other 5% is unknown. I suggest we learn more about this “Zeth Black” so he will not catch us so off guard next time.
“I agree. We should find out more, and where better to look than the Chimera 5 log base located on the far side of those mountains. It was established to keep backup files of everything on Chimera 5 as well as communicate. If we’re lucky, it won’t be hit yet.
Message: Helios

I think it’s probably already hit since luck has not been on our side. And the Aliens seem to be one step ahead of us or right on our tails. It’s almost as if someone that really knows you and what you’ll do next and is leading this army around to each of these locations.
Zeth shudders. “Don’t give me these thoughts Helios, They freak me out.
Message: Helios

Sorry Zeth, I just was thinking…
What if Zeth Black is leading this army? It would make sense. He would know your mind and what your next logical step would be.
Zeth scratches his head. “Interesting thought. That might just be true. To the log base and fast.” Helios
lifts off of the ground. It flies into the distance.

When you land, you realize that Helios was right; luck isn’t on your side. However, if you grabbed that Energy container, you’ll have a better chance of survival. With a maximum of 300 units of life energy, the enemies are going to be more plentiful. You’ll have to fight to survive. You can’t avoid them without taking a lot of damage. Inside, you’ll instantly realize that your chances of survival are slim. Aliens everywhere, just kill whatever gets in your way. (answer poll truly, DO NOT just put terrible because you think it's funny. ITS NOT FUNNY. Please only vote once.)
Last edited by Agentarrow on Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jonas »

Hey I like it! Very well thought out, and I think it could make a pretty nice game. Good luck.

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Post by scott »

very goo, nice story line, well thought out, nice detail, in all a good idea, but obviously as you have left it atm there will need to be more after that, so thats why i never put exelent in the poll, with later information (i hope we get) will change my mind (either it be good or bad) but so far its a game i would play for sure.

and about people saying its bad just for fun has never happend on this site, this is a nice and respectable community so dont wory there.
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Post by bernie »

Well thought out game and looks VERY playable.
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More soon

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As I get further, I'll post more towards the end.
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Post by Juutis »

Yeah, I agree with everyone else here. That's very well thought out. Usually I don't play sci-fi games, but I would certainly play this one. I really like the Zeth White and Zeth Black part, though I hope that in the game the 'creation' of Zeth Black will be a bit more detailed. I think it's a little too confusing if you just see the Zeths emerge, then Zeth White gives a short comment about it and after a while you suddenly have to fight Zeth Black as a boss. To me that's just a bit too random. That's just my opinion though.

I wish there was an option between Good and Awesome because this idea is definately better than Good, but there is still some things you could do better. Anyway, I gave it a Good.

BTW, have you possibly played the Metroid series? The Energy Container stuff is pretty much the same as in those games. :wink:
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hey Juutis... Have you read my posts?

Post by Agentarrow »

If you have ever read my posts, I have been comparing a whole lot of stuff to metroid. I really like the metroid games. I was toying with the idea of possibly just having it add 100 units of energy instantly. However these energy containers are different, if you lose one, only Helios can refil it, unlike in metroid where if you get over your max health reserve and still have an empty container, the health refils that one, if you lose a container here, it doesn't refil until the end of the level when you climb back into Helios.
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Post by Agentarrow »

I've updated the first post in the very beginning. Where Zeth Black appears. So read that part again
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More to it.

Post by Agentarrow »

There is more to the game now read this post to continue the game and redo your votes

The area is very complex, like a maze. It’s easy to get lost. Just kill any aliens you see and find your way to the back, where the path is broken and you see that there is a lower level beneath you.

Zeth looks down a little, he jumps into the hole. Dust swirls up in clouds as he lands. The door in front of him is marked “Documentation” He walks into the room to find a huge video screen. He turns it on
Document record archive activated
Select file:
The beginning
Report 1
Report 2
Report 3
Report 4
Report 5
Report 7
Distress message
Communications attempt 1
Communications attempt 2
Communications attempt 3
Distress message opened
Starting video:

The screen blinks to life.
The background is the decrypt Chimera 5. Cords are cut and hanging like snakes from the ceiling Sparks are flying everywhere. There is a scientist on the screen “These aliens, Exodans as they are called. We were researching them and they attacked us. Half the scientists were killed and death is still knocking. We’ve tried to contain them, but they are still breaking through! We need a rescue shuttle here now! These aliens are ruthless and- AHHHH!” The scientist falls off the screen. One of the aliens comes on the screen “transmission over!” the screen goes static. The words Transmission Ended comes across the screen. The screen blinks off. Zeth stares at the black screen. “Exodans, huh? Sounds interesting. It’s still not Zeth black, but it is helpful.” He starts the system up again and begins to go through all the other files. As he clicks on the first one, there is a loud bang. A bullet embeds itself into a small gauge next to him. Zeth turns around to see two aliens in the doorway.

You must fight off the coming troops while protecting the computer, you have to destroy all the Aliens. If your health or the health of the computer hits zero, you lose.

Zeth finishes off the last Alien. He hears marching. More aliens appear in the doorway. There is a large explosion and the ceiling in a small area collapses. Someone comes tumbling down. Zeth recognizes it as mike plains. He draws two machine guns. Mike begins to fight off the aliens, dual wielding machine handguns. Alien after alien die. Soon he has finished them all off. He reloads his guns and prepares himself in case of another assault. Zeth stares at him. “I thought you were staying behind to hold off any further attack. Mike chuckles “As you said; I have good men. They can take care of themselves. Once I realized where you were headed, I decided to come and help you.” Zeth looks around the area. “Good job!” There is a clapping noise and they both look up to see Zeth black floating in the ceiling hole. “very impressive boys. But you still have a lot to learn. Zeth draws a gun, But Zeth black is faster. He draws his own gun and fires, hitting Zeth White in the chest, he falls over. Mike runs to his side. Zeth black smiles “It is done.” Mike fires a shot, but Zeth black is already gone. He turns to Zeth on the ground. “Where are you hit?” Zeth groans “In the vest.” Mike sighs and falls over. “You really pulled off a good act, I even thought you were going to die. Doesn’t he know that troopers have bullet resistant vests.
Zeth stands up. “it still stings though.” He turns around and begins to filter through the videos again. Zeth walks out of the building. Closely followed by Mike. He climbs into Helios. “Nothing doing. No information about Zeth Black.”
Message: Helios
I was doing some scans to pass the time. This Zeth Black has been appearing all over the place. Recently, he conquered the Alien army by himself and started to use it at his own personal will. I suggest Commander Plains heads back to his troops. They’ll need his help since there is a large battalion headed their way.
Mike nods. “I am going to keep my word and fight off as many as possible. To buy you as much time as possible.” Zeth grins “Thanks Mike, We’ll track down the missing people from HQ and I will greatly appreciate the time you can get me.” Zeth puts his pilot helmet on and buckles in. The canopy closes. Helios lifts off. Mike runs over to his ship, The Longblade. He climbs in and the ship lifts off. Heading towards the trooper encampment.
Message: Longblade

Mike, your troopers are moving. The encampment is deserted. Tracking them now. I’ll tell you when they are located.
“Thank-you Longblade” The Longblade Zooms into the distance.
Message: Helios

Zeth, I’ve got a lock on the Terra Trooper Director, she’s being held hostage in a small camp of Aliens, and I suggest we land there. The director is very knowledgeable of many alien races and battle tactics She may be able to help us strategically eliminate these Aliens. “Good idea Helios, We’ll land there and free the director.
There aren’t as many enemies as before, but there are still quite a few. Don’t get them circling you. The enemies are smarter now.
Last edited by Agentarrow on Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AndyCR »

Haven't read it yet (plan to), but just thought you should know the agreement you posted isn't legally enforceable. I doubt anyone would try anyway, though.
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I know it's not legally enforcing.

Post by Agentarrow »

It's just a warning to tell people that it isn't for them to copy. I just want them to vote on it.
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Post by zany_001 »

no offense, but your site made me laff reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll long. :) :) :)
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funny... okay...

Post by Agentarrow »

what about Agentarrow made you laugh?
(for site purposes)
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Post by zany_001 »

Well the whole agentarrow thing, and the rising thru the ranks of arrowhood thing, and the concept art was partly funny partly real cool. also, is there just u, or others, and isnt having 3 projects alittle ambitious?
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There are actually 9...

Post by Agentarrow »

There are actually nine of us. (only 7 have a web profile) We don't have the games going all at once. The only game currently in production is Terra Trooper
(we tried the doing all the games at once, but that didn't work, so we delayed the others.) The rising through the ranks, yea, that's more of a joke really. (by the way, there are Seven games, not three.)
Terra Trooper
Cyber Guardian
Dredgens Gate
Whispers in the Darkness
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