Source Game - Vampire Masquerade

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Source Game - Vampire Masquerade

Post by gekido »

Ok I just bought vampire the masquerade, for 2 reasons, first because I haven't seen or played a good RPG game since deus ex 1, and 2 because it was developed with the Source engine so I wanted to see just 'how' good it was, when used by a third party licensee...

The story isn't too bad, but the engine is terrible if this game is any indication...

It is probably the glitchiest / buggiest AAA game i've ever played. NPC characters skate across the floor, the levels are tiny - you end up doing the Deux Ex thing (ie walk 50 feet, level change, walk 50 feet level change)...the 3rd person camera controls are just terrible - walking up stairs gives you that horrible 'popping' effect of the camera - no smoothing whatsoever...

It's just terrible. Seriously RF could make this game and do it ALOT better. I have seen nothing in the game so far that RF couldn't do, and do better. The stencil shadows are very glitchy, animations very jerky...very disappointing.

This is a perfect example of how an engine does NOT make a game - it's all in how you use the engine - it's very obvious that the developers either ran out of time or were given a very early, very buggy version of the Source engine and were rushed to finish it...

I think this is a perfect example of why companies should NOT use bsp or similar type engines for anything that is supposed to have a large outdoor world...these engines are designed for small, interior, first person worlds - not large interactive 3rd person worlds - it's really sad...

Hopefully the story will keep me interested, but so far the gameplay is so buggy and I'm not even doing anything really yet, but the game will probably become too annoying to even really be playable...

Anyways, has anyone else played this game? Am I just being really picky or what?
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Post by Sudi »

Yes u r really picky i played the game and there weren't all the bad things u just talked about....ok sometimes the npc's fly in a vids but thats just random....tiny bug that can be fixed with the patch....
THe story is pretty cool and keps u interested all the way through. oh and btw there arent that many levelchanges just at major points like when u go from the city to a ware house in the outer district ....ok and every singel time when u enter a building. but over all the gameplay is cool i exspecially like the combination of guns/handweapons and the magic system.(couldn't figure out how to do that in RF yet) and i want to see how u get the physiks system to work in RF(ok its not that well developed than in hl2 but still there are physiks)
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Post by Voltare »

i tried to play it----as I am an RPG wasn't worth the money
I mean...heck man....tiny levels? I'd rather play Nethack or Angband than that thing----at least they are fun........
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Post by Vorador »

I haven't yet played the new one but I did play Vampire the masquerade redemption (the 1st game of the series (if you call 2 games a 'series'...))
anyway the first game was GREAT , I absolutely loved it, it was so extremely cool and an RPG experience I recommend to every RPG fan that wants to play something with cold hard gameplay
however some time has passed since it was made ... but then again I totally believe that it could be made(if not better graphically wise) with RF
(the thing is that you begin as a human(templar(paladin)) and it's day .. after you become a vampire, during the night, the game looks much, much better(maybe because the darkness covers some of the lower poly objects :D )

so my advise to you is- If you want to play a good rpg, and are willing to accept the little outdated graphics( I'm not saying it looks bad at all it's just that it's not the 'shiniest thing' you can see in today's market) then you should try Vampire the Masquerade :Redemption :wink:
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