I'm currently roughing out the idea.
Here's what I have so far.
Main Points:
- Singleplayer. I'm getting tired of multiplayer-only games. Sorry.

- It's a first person shooter, so guns are involved (and possible melee weapons as well).

- I want a large gameplay area. What I'm trying to do is start with a small-ish map, and expand outwards until I have a huge area while keeping the same gameplay and story.
- Story-based gameplay. I want to try to keep this from the generic "shoot everything that moves" game design ethic. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, NPC interaction and such isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. With some luck I'm hoping to pull it off.
I'm still not sure about this yet. I've been everywhere on the map with this one. More details later.
Machine Pistol

Compressor Rifle - loads like a shotgun and pumps like one, but shoots high-powered compressed uranium slugs. I have a couple concept pieces for it but I haven't scanned them yet. more on that later

Turret Gun -
Not sure if I will ever implement this in the final game, but I'm working on a model for it.

That's all for now, will have more later...