Upping Processor speed

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Upping Processor speed

Post by Agentarrow »

does anyone know of something, maybe that plugs into a usb port or something, that can up your processor speed of .3 or .4 GHz or more and its price range.
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Post by SithMaster »

I dont think such a product exists. the best thing to do to up your speed is to use a video card (not onboard) and a sound card (no onboard) this will free up you processor slightly with minimal gains from using a soundcard. otherwise you can get a new processor that matches your slot type if you want better speeds.
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Post by scott »

try using windows 98 instead of xp, not sure if bf likes win 98, but it generely uses less cpu and games require lower specs, there is one way of gaining a tiny bit of cpu speed, its called overclocking, if this is done incorectly it could shorten your laptop life span and permanantly damage it, basicly every porcessor is turned down so its not overloaded, so obviously there are ways to make the limit higher but at a risk, the cpu could possibly get hotter so maybe a cooling fan or something might be useful, i personaly dont know hwo to do the overclocking but search google it should give you some results.
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Post by Agentarrow »

well, I had heard something like it exists, and processors are pricy. I just need a small boost
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Post by steven8 »

It depends on what type of processor you have, just how pricey they are. I have a slot 754, and you can get those for like 45 bucks. I only have a 1.8 ghz, but it does pretty good. My other computer has a 1.2 ghz and it handles Serious Sam II fairly well.

I have always been tempted by overclocking, but leery as well. I'd hate to burn up my CPU just trying to get a little more speed.
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Post by Agentarrow »

Well, I just need a 1.6 or 1.7 GHz. A 1.8 would be nice.
I've got an Intel Celeron M. Any price estimate?
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Post by scott »

if its the laptop it will cost alot to replace it itself just for the work, i can put any dekstop together, but then again its not too hard, thats why they sell everything idividualy unlike a laptop, when getting a laptop its normaly never upgraded, the problem is that each thing is different sizes, so a ati graphics card would be different to a intel or nvidia, and the idea of a laptop is to keep it as small as possible to design it for those parts, and then cram it all into the smallest space psooible, thus may be different with cpus but am unsure.
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Post by AndyCR »

There's no device that does that, but you can ccomplish it without a device on most PC's by "overclocking". You can google it for more info. Note: Do this on a laptop at your own risk - laptops run hot enough as it is. Also, I doubt you will have very good results with a Celeron M.
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Post by Agentarrow »

yea, and On a laptop, It isn't replaceable. If I wanted a faster processor, I'd need a new computer. I'm thinking I'm just gonna Uninstall BF2142 from here and put it on the office computer. Benefit: I can play BF2142 Loss: Dial-Up means that I can't play it online. But I am getting a game called Starsiege: TRIBES It's not as good, but it will run on this computer. ( this sucks! I have only a 1.3 GHz processor!!! It's one of the worst I've ever owned in a computer.
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