A new secure file packer for RF that is free.

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Would you like to see the Phoenix Game Protection System become part of the RF package?

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Post by incenseman2003 »

i have just had an idea, if they are willing to customize it then i think i got a solution for everyone, if its just going to be an .exe like the current rfpacker, then to have a customizable licence stating that it is completely free to use with rf only, have their licence agreement seperate to the rf's onstall licence, and every time they start their application the licence comes up with it, this keeps it seperate from the rf licence that can continue as it is, also a good clause to have in the licence is that it does not effect rf in anyway, this would put my mind at ease.

my thought behind this idea is that for those who download rf they wont be fritend off with this new licence agreement and means that if they never use this packer they dont need to know about the licene while ensureing that every time the packer is started everyone is fully awear of the licence agreement in case they have ideas about using for anything else.

maybe also having a line of code somewhere in rf that the packer searches for to make sure it is only used for rf, or even the packer searches for something unique already in RF's code.

what you think?

PGPS is a major application for the Pheonix team. It can be used with a number of different game creation programs.

It is 100% stand alone. After it is installed it will not care what one of the many platforms you use it with.

It will have no need to check with RF code for anything. It will run on its own with or without RF.

The program its self won't be rewritten in any way. Only the license will be taylored to the RF project, Not the program. If the license is taylored with RF community input then it will be something that they will be happy with. PGPS is a program that is sold to other game companies as the flagship of a company. They cannot say that it is only meant for RF. However it can be made ready and availible to the RF communinty as part of the package. Nothing has to be thrown out. All that is in RF can still stay there. This will be an alternate packer not a replacement packer. The license aggreement for RF needs no changing. We are not looking to merge the 2 licenses. PGPS will have its own license and so will RF. They will be totally 100% seperate. Just like the current RF packer and RF are totally 100% seperate. One is just used as a tool for the other and thats all. They will be installed seperately and run seperately.

When PGPS is started it comes up with its own screens and it will be perfectly clear that it is in no way connected to RF.

It will just be another tool that people can use if they want to. It is merely another choice for the inde game developer. It will help people define there own style.

It's an offer to the inde community that has no equal.
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Post by bernie »

I see they are giving standard away for free to anyone at the moment anyway. Seems they are just trying to use RF as an advertising gimmic. :lol: "As used by RF" or "By appointment to the RF team" sort of thing. No harm if I don't have to use it (which I wouldn't anyway) and I don't have to mention these spammers name. I don't really see the need for security like that for something I would be giving away for free to the RF community. As long checking for it is NOT written into RF code and the companies name is NOT shown on any game that doesn't use it I don't suppose it matters. Although I don't like the idea of them using RF's name in their Advertising, it kind of lowers the tone and makes RF look commercial :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by scott »

sounds, good but what i ment is if ots free to use with rf, then the copy that comes with rf should check for rf's code, if people want to buy it for any other use then they could have a link to their site, just a suggestion because i cant see how they gona protect their programe from unauthorised use.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

The program pretty much protects its self. I recomend that people get it even if it isn't part of the RF package. I think that the pro version is great for inde devolopers. It does more than game protection. It doesnt cost an arm and a leg either. Go to the Phoenix site and check it out. Join the forum there and you will see more clearly.
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Post by darksmaster923 »

i dont trust it. i remember i read something about phoenix that made me dont like it but i dont remeber it.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

darksmaster923: what part don't you trust? Is it the fact that the creator of PGPS is willing to create a new license that fits the communities needs? Or is it the way that the program is so easy to use? Or is it that is merely an alternative choice and not forced? Is it that the PGPS creators are willing to go that extra mile? What part don't you trust. If you can't remember what it was that you read or where you read it then you can't say that the program can't trusted and be acurrate.

The fact is that people always fear change. That's just the way humans are. We don't stop to think that change is way that the wolrd progresses. If nothing changes then we, the human race cannot grow. Change is also the way we learn. You made a change when you started learning to use RF. From the very moment that you downloaded the program you made a change. Cange has proven its self to be good the biggest majority of the time. Yet people resist it.

I say again look at the program yourself and make an informed decision. Not a decision motivated by the dislike or fear of anything new.

Food for thought untill tomorrow.

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Post by zany_001 »

what makes it better than RF's one? I dont quite understand, but i am grateful your company would do this.
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Post by steven8 »

incenseman2003 wrote:darksmaster923: what part don't you trust? Is it the fact that the creator of PGPS is willing to create a new license that fits the communities needs? Or is it the way that the program is so easy to use? Or is it that is merely an alternative choice and not forced? Is it that the PGPS creators are willing to go that extra mile? What part don't you trust. If you can't remember what it was that you read or where you read it then you can't say that the program can't trusted and be acurrate.

The fact is that people always fear change. That's just the way humans are. We don't stop to think that change is way that the wolrd progresses. If nothing changes then we, the human race cannot grow. Change is also the way we learn. You made a change when you started learning to use RF. From the very moment that you downloaded the program you made a change. Cange has proven its self to be good the biggest majority of the time. Yet people resist it.

I say again look at the program yourself and make an informed decision. Not a decision motivated by the dislike or fear of anything new.

Food for thought untill tomorrow.

I think it's not a matter of people being afraid of change, although that is true. We are all taught, from a very early age, not to trust salesmen who say they will solve our problems, and that if it sounds too good to be true. . .it probably is. No one wants to get burnt, and when they have a good thing going in which they feel comfortable, they watch out for speed bumps.
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Post by bernie »

This thread is as near to spam as you can get. RF is 100% free and Open Source and should remain that way. RF should not be officially tied to, seen to be endorsing, using or distributing any commercial product for any reason. I don't know this but it might even infringe RF's own licence if it did take up this offer. If anyone wants to use the product personally thats their perogative and they can buy it. There's nothing to stop this company from giving their product to anyone they choose for free so why all the sales hype on this forum? What's in it for them?
This forum is about helping each other, sharing information, anything else we wish to share including our own games, models, textures etc.(or at least I thought it was) and most of all friendship. We've got a bunch of great guys on this forum, let's keep it that way.
Incenseman: Thanks. You have given the information, we all know where we can get it so please stop pushing for an official endorsement.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

I have offered proof that no one could possible deny. The proof of Downloading and using the program. What could possibly be the harm in that. I have answered all of the points that people keep bringing up.

Why the distrust?

Do you distrust because people in your past have told you to. Is it because you got taken in the past? All of that has been addressed. I have explained how you, the RF community would have as much say as the Phoenix team in the license that would be custom made for the RF community. In fact I have explained it more than once. If you have a say then how could you get taken? An even better question is: How could you get taken at all? What could they take? How could they take it?

If you don't want to make things a little easier on yourselves by actually going to the Phoenix site and trying the program yourself, Then I certainly can't make you. If there were an RF forum member that offered you something for free that they normally sold you would seriously concider it if it was better than what you were using. I am not new to RF. I am not a salesmen. I found a program that could really help out. It didn't work with RF. I contacted the Phoenix lead programmer and he rewrote the code so it would work with RF just because I asked him to. Then he made the basic program availible for free because allot of inde game designers are in a shoestring budget.

For some to say that something cannot be trusted and deliberately refuse to even know anything about it is just alien to me. That means that you distrust something just for the sake of distrusting it. Where does that make sense?

I'm not pushing anything on anyone. At least that is not my intention. But just look at the facts and make the decision based on that and not irrational impules that have no base on fact.

It's not about the program anymore for me. Its about helping my fellow forum members over come a fear and distrust of something that they know nothing about.

At lest look at it and then tell me what part it is that you don't like. Do some research and then decide why it isn't for you. Don't just say that you don't know one single thing about it and that is why you don't like it when the facts are as easy to get to as any other website.

All I'm saying is just look and ask some questions. Whats the harm in that?
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Post by ardentcrest »

just an idea.

Will this also cover RF2 when it's finished.

that is if it is taken on board.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

It should be no problem to have it be useable with RF2.
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Post by bernie »

There is only one decision to make. If you want it download it and use it. If you dont want it don't download it. It is free at the moment for anyone. The forum members who want to sell their games will certainly be able to afford to buy the program from their profits anyway.
It is totally unnecessary. We already have a packer that is password protected and surely that is good enough.
But there are a lot of us using RF for a Hobby and would never use encryption. No need for it if you're giving your game away. With any encryption there is a risk of corruption. Its just something else to go wrong with added CPU time and extra memory being used up.
I and several others on this forum don't want it. Why should we be forced to take it on board by incorporating it into RF?
And yes you are pushing like mad. You're behaving like a door to door salesman. A simple "hey look what I've found" and a web address would have been perfectly sufficent.
Personally I don't trust anything with this amount of sales pitch there has to be a catch.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

bernie, your right there is a catch. It's the biggest most coslty catch in the whole sales game. You caught me. Here is the real catch.

I just wanted to do something nice and I said it in the most long winded way possible.

I found a way for people that want to sell there games to pack them up faster and have them be more secure with some extras. Yes you can sell your games using the free version of Phoenix Game Protection (I believe I said that already). If you don'twant to sell your games then no one will say that you have to. If you do sell your games then no one will tell you that you have to use a certain tool to secure your media. I beleive that I said that you can get the program for free already also and I even gave the URL to get it from. I just that it would be really nice if people had a choice as to what tool to use instaed of having only one choice.

So there it is. THE CATCH!!

I'm soooo busted.
Last edited by incenseman2003 on Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by steven8 »

Okay, let's take a break and cool off. bernie, you have every right to feel the way you do, and incenseman, let it rest a bit. You are kind of pushing hard. Let your product speak for itself. Let people who wish to, give it a try. Let QOD take a look at your proposal. I believe that we should let QOD give it a try if he wishes, then give his verdict to the community. If he feels it would benefit RF, then he can say so and let the community decide. Or, if many people try it out and feel it would be good, they can let QOD know. Or vice versa. If people try and find to be not beneficial, let them say.

Either way, let this rest a bit and give folks a chance. Thanks.

I'm locking this thread. Send me PMs when you have tried the program and I will start a new thread to discuss your findings.
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