RF1 and Linux

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RF1 and Linux

Post by incenseman2003 »

Will RF1 run in linux?

If so what distro?

Does it require wine?

I have searched hihg and low for wine so I can add it to my linux PC. I can't seem to find it anywhere. I see all kinds of references to it but no downloads.

Is there a distro of linux that already has wine in it?
Last edited by incenseman2003 on Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by federico »

I tried in my ubuntu some times ago, using wine. It worked quite bad (but I think it's my damn Intel graphics chipset...) naturally only in opengl mode. I think that a card newer than mine could de the job in the right way. I suggest you to use ubuntu if you are unexperienced, otherwise I think every distro could do the job. Please tell us how RF works using your graphic card and your chipset. :wink:
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Post by paradoxnj »

To answer your question, it does not run natively on Linux. You need to use WINE in which Federico has stated it looks bad. In order to get it to compile on Linux, you need to get it to compile using GCC. That would be the biggest PITA ever.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

That figures. I have never had any luck running anything I really need in any distro of LINUX. I have tried more versions of LINUX than I care to mention. It seems to me that the LINUX community is focused on adding new features more than they are making it user friendly. They are so desparate to be completely different from Microsoft that they have made it slow going to enter the mainstream. That makes LINUX totally usless for the average user IMO.

I have had people dispute my claims. It always turns out that they are some kind of wiz-kid or PC pro or that they do nothing but email, chat and surf the web. The last distro of linux that I tried would not even dsiplay a website if it was stated in the header that the site was made with a Microsoft product. That seems just a little petty to me. It's like forcing LINUX users to boycot certain sites because they were made with a Microsoft product. That means that they are doing the same thing that they are accusing Microsoft of.

I guess that we are stuck using software that is our keeper until some people get a clue.
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Post by AndyCR »

incenseman2003 wrote:It seems to me that the LINUX community is focused on adding new features more than they are making it user friendly.
It already is user-friendly for its user base. I have no problem whatsoever using it, and it does everything I need and almost everything I want.
incenseman2003 wrote:They are so desparate to be completely different from Microsoft that they have made it slow going to enter the mainstream.
Linux has never been about being the polar opposite of Microsoft; it's been about making the best software technologically speaking without letting commercial interests corrupt it.
incenseman2003 wrote:That makes LINUX totally usless for the average user IMO.
Linux isn't for the average user. The average user is happy with the capabilities of Windows. Let them be happy.
incenseman2003 wrote:The last distro of linux that I tried would not even dsiplay a website if it was stated in the header that the site was made with a Microsoft product. That seems just a little petty to me. It's like forcing LINUX users to boycot certain sites because they were made with a Microsoft product. That means that they are doing the same thing that they are accusing Microsoft of.
I mean no offence by this, but I don't believe you; you must have misunderstood. That would never be allowed to happen; it would only hurt users, and that's exactly what Linux tries to avoid. Perhaps the web page did not comply with standards (classic from Microsoft software saved files), and the web browser refused to detect the header and bend the standards so the web page would display correctly?
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Post by incenseman2003 »

It already is user-friendly for its user base. I have no problem whatsoever using it, and it does everything I need and almost everything I want.
LINUX has been on the scene for a very long time if you think in terms of software evolution. One would think that more of an effort would be made to make it more useable for the general population.

It seems that we agree on the fact that LINUX is not for the average user. The fact that you can do so much confirms that your an experienced user. As I stated before its the experienced LINUX users that dispute the un-usability of LINUX. By "user friendly" I meant for everyone.
Linux has never been about being the polar opposite of Microsoft; it's been about making the best software technologically speaking without letting commercial interests corrupt it.
I think that is the intended message and the one that most people should be getting. I know many people that use LINUX and all they do is bash Microsoft and are proud of the fact that LINUX is so different from windows. The spirit of open source is tainted in allot of groups.

Because I am no expert I have to fly on good faith sometimes. I was told by one of the LINUX users that I know about why the site did not display. Because there is so much I just don't know I felt secure that he was telling me the truth. Just another example of the mixed messages that misled people can send out and in doing so they mislead others. Me for instance.

I can do many things in LINUX. It is the fact that LINUX just won't run the software I need. Im no wiz-kid but am no novice with computers.

I love Knoppix STD for testing security and checking connectivity. Kyote linix is great for setting up small projects.

I am no stranger to LNIUX

Untill LINUX is as usable as windows it is completely usless to me as an every day OS.

Read the following Very carefully:
At no time did I even come close to saying that LINUX was no good at all. I also didn't say that LINUX did not have its place or uses. I am just starting to beleive that LINUX is not intended to go mainstream. At no time did I say that LINUX will never or is not intended to go mainstream. I fully aknowledge that what I am starting to beleive and what is going to happen could totally different. I am perfectly ok with that.

I feel compelled to itterate again that I did not bash LINUX. I just said that it was usless to me as a core OS.

LINUX is an operating system, a tool. It's not a relative or part of the LINUX users body. Why do LINUX users get so offended when someone else says that it is not useful to them? It's not like the LINUX user was attacked.

Sorry to have offended.
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Post by paradoxnj »

Download VMWare Workstation for Linux and run Windows XP in it for all the software you can't use. :)

There is plenty of Linux counterparts for the software that is on Windows:

Windows Software - Linux Counterpart
Microsoft Office - OpenOffice
Photoshop - GIMP
SoundForge - Audacity
DirectX - OpenGL
Internet Explorer - Mozilla Firefox


Yeah....you can use RF out of the box, but if you're savvy, you can compile RF on Linux and get it to run. It would take a year and a day, but it can be done. I know someone who had Genesis 3D running on BeOS.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

No matter what I would have to use windows. I might as well just stay with XP. I have been reading on Vista. I has not been doing very well sales wise. Microsoft has actually come out and said Vista falls short. Im sure that they will make service packs. If they don't do that then they will have kill vista and that would cost a fortune on top of the time and money that it took to create it. I would say that sevice packs are the cheapest way to go.

Will have to wait and see what happens to Vista in the near future.
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Post by AndyCR »

No, sorry, thought you were attacking it. Misunderstood.

How could you not love an OS that does this? http://youtube.com/watch?v=_ImW0-MgR8I :lol: (Note: Please mute sound before playing video)

(Yes, I know that's largely irrelevant to getting your work done)

I agree fully that it isn't yet ready for the consumer desktop in most cases. Will it ever be? I don't know, nor do I care much. It works for me, and I'm happy with it.

(By the way, to install wine in Ubuntu simply open Synaptic, check the box next to wine, and click apply. Also, Direct3D rendering works in most apps; it translates the direct3d calls to opengl ones in real-time.)
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Post by incenseman2003 »

Does the translation to OpenGL effect the speed? Seems like it would slow things down.
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Post by AndyCR »

Very slightly. I ran Counter-Strike Source on it, and it was slightly slower than it was on Windows. Perhaps around 10-20% slower.
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Post by incenseman2003 »

I am not one to quible over a few frames. If it dropped down into the 25-30% range that would probably get to me.
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Post by zany_001 »

There is plenty of Linux counterparts for the software that is on Windows:

Windows Software - Linux Counterpart
Microsoft Office - OpenOffice
Photoshop - GIMP
SoundForge - Audacity
DirectX - OpenGL
Internet Explorer - Mozilla Firefox
lol i use all of these on Windows XP, as well as my dad has a lappy with Linux Ubuntu with VMware.[/quote]
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Post by incenseman2003 »

zany_001 wrote:
There is plenty of Linux counterparts for the software that is on Windows:

Windows Software - Linux Counterpart
Microsoft Office - OpenOffice
Photoshop - GIMP
SoundForge - Audacity
DirectX - OpenGL
Internet Explorer - Mozilla Firefox
lol i use all of these on Windows XP, as well as my dad has a lappy with Linux Ubuntu with VMware.

Those are very common applications and needed by most anyone that owns a PC. It makes good sense that they have counterparts in LINUX.

I am not concerned with the common ones, Just the ones that I need that don't run in LINUX.

FPS Creator, RF1 and a host of others that I use on a daily basis don't have LINUX counterparts or versions that run in LINUX.

I have a list of game engines that run in LINUX. I have tried them all. Most just don't have the functionality of RF or other Windows based engines. I'm not saying that they aren't good for certain things. I have not only tried many different LINUX based game engines but I have also tried many distros of LINUX. I have a whole CD drawer full of LINUX install CDs somewhere. They are just not useful to me.

I feel it is important to say again that it is not the common programs that I am concerned about. It's only the ones that I need to do the things that I do.
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Post by zany_001 »

did anyone mention VMWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :evil: :evil: :evil:
its free and runs XP pro on your linux distro.
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