set rotation of the Bone (BoneName) of the Actor (A) to a value relative to the world axis (and not relative to the parent bone). The OffsetTrasform can be set to define an offset rotation relative to parent matrix.
actor.h (prototyped also in the include\actor.h file)
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GENESISAPI geBoolean GENESISCC geActor_SetBoneGlobalAttachment(geActor *A, const char *BoneName, geXForm3d *Transform,geXForm3d *OffsetTransform);
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GENESISAPI geBoolean GENESISCC geActor_SetBoneGlobalAttachment(geActor *A,
const char *BoneName,
geXForm3d *Attachment,
geXForm3d *OffsetTransform)
int BoneIndex;
assert( geActor_IsValid(A) != GE_FALSE);
assert( geXForm3d_IsOrthonormal(Attachment) != GE_FALSE );
if (geActor_GetBoneIndex(A,BoneName,&(BoneIndex))==GE_FALSE)
geErrorLog_AddString(-1,"Named bone not found", BoneName);
return GE_FALSE;
gePose_SetJointGlobalAttachment(A->Pose,BoneIndex, Attachment, OffsetTransform);
return GE_TRUE;
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void GENESISCC gePose_SetJointGlobalAttachment(gePose *P,int JointIndex,const geXForm3d *AttachmentTransform, const geXForm3d *OffsetTransform);
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void GENESISCC gePose_SetJointGlobalAttachment(gePose *P,
int JointIndex,
const geXForm3d *AttachmentTransform,
const geXForm3d *OffsetTransform)
assert( P != NULL );
assert( AttachmentTransform != NULL );
geQuaternion LocRot, MyRot, RotRoot, RotParent, RotBase, RotInv, RotOff;
gePose_Joint *J;
gePose_Joint *Parent;
J = (gePose_Joint *)gePose_JointByIndex(P, JointIndex);
RotRoot = J->Rotation;
Parent = (gePose_Joint *)gePose_JointByIndex(P, J->ParentJoint);
LocRot = Parent->LocalRotation;
geQuaternion_Multiply(&RotRoot, &LocRot, &RotParent);
geQuaternion_Multiply(&MyRot, &RotOff, &RotBase);
geQuaternion_Inverse(&RotParent, &RotInv);
geQuaternion_Multiply(&RotInv, &RotBase, &(J->LocalRotation));
J->Touched = GE_TRUE;
P->Touched = GE_TRUE;