(as all entity class definitions are stored in the bsp file even if there is actually no entity of a specific type). All you have to pass to
the function is the current world, the name of the entity class, a name for the entity to identify it and the user data for that entity.
On success the function returns a pointer to the created geEntity, otherwise it returns a NULL pointer.

in Genesis.h add
Code: Select all
GENESISAPI geEntity* geWorld_AddEntity(
geWorld *World,
const char *ClassName,
const char *EntityName,
void *UserData)
Code: Select all
// geWorld_AddEntity
GENESISAPI geEntity* geWorld_AddEntity(
geWorld *World,
const char *ClassName,
const char *EntityName,
void *UserData)
geWorld_EntClassSet *WSets;
int32 i;
geEntity *Entity;
geEntity_Class *Class;
// No classname, just return
if(!ClassName || !EntityName ||!UserData)
return NULL;
WSets = World->EntClassSets;
Entity = geEntity_Create();
return NULL;
// Add it to the main set
if(!geEntity_EntitySetAddEntity(WSets[0].Set, Entity))
return NULL;
// create Epair for name (every entity needs one - should be unique but we don't check for it here)
geEntity_Epair *EntityNameEpair = geEntity_EpairCreate();
EntityNameEpair->Key = geRam_Allocate(strlen("%Name%")+1);
strcpy(EntityNameEpair->Key, "%Name%");
EntityNameEpair->Value = geRam_Allocate(strlen(EntityName)+1);
strcpy(EntityNameEpair->Value, EntityName);
geEntity_AddEpair(Entity, EntityNameEpair);
// remember type class
Class = geEntity_EntitySetFindClassByName(WSets[0].Set, ClassName);
return NULL;
Entity->Class = Class;
// allocate space for user data
Entity->UserData = GE_RAM_ALLOCATE_ARRAY(char, Entity->Class->FieldSize);
return NULL;
memcpy(Entity->UserData, UserData, Entity->Class->FieldSize);
// check all fields and look if there are any strings in this entity class
// if so, add a new Epair, copy the string to the Epair->Value and
// set the char pointer in the UserData to point to Epair->Value
geEntity_Field *Field;
char *UData = Entity->UserData;
for(Field=Class->Fields; Field; Field=Field->Next)
if(Field->TypeClass->Type == TYPE_STRING)
if(*(char**)(UData + Field->Offset) != NULL)
geEntity_Epair *Epair = geEntity_EpairCreate();
// get fieldname
Epair->Key = geRam_Allocate(strlen(Field->Name)+1);
strcpy(Epair->Key, Field->Name);
// copy string
Epair->Value = geRam_Allocate(strlen(*(char**)(UData + Field->Offset))+1);
strcpy(Epair->Value, *(char**)(UData + Field->Offset));
*(char**)(UData + Field->Offset) = Epair->Value;
// add epair to entity
geEntity_AddEpair(Entity, Epair);
// insert entity in class list
for(i=1; i<World->NumEntClassSets; i++)
if(!stricmp(WSets[i].ClassName, ClassName))
geEntity_EntitySetAddEntity(WSets[i].Set, Entity);
return Entity;
return NULL; // oh well...
// Create a new entity set
WSets[i].Set = geEntity_EntitySetCreate();
// Insert the entity into a new class set
WSets[i].ClassName = Entity->Class->Name;
geEntity_EntitySetAddEntity(WSets[i].Set, Entity);
return Entity;