Pedestrian Entity?

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Pedestrian Entity?

Post by vrageprogrammer »

Is it possible to make a pedestrian entity?(Actually several pedestrian entities?) for my game?
Thanx for ur help! 8)
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Post by MakerOfGames »

To make a pedestrian for your game you will have them actually use the pawn entity.

You will have to write a pedestrian script as its AI or find one that functions the same but anytime the word "pawn" is used, it means a "thinking" entity that is not the player. (Thinking meaning that the object uses a script to perform actions)

*Pawns can be controlled by the player too, and thats commonly used for things like possessing enemies or creating a scripted player for better animations or a more robust player.

I hope that made sense. If not just say so and I'll try for a better explanation.
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Post by darksmaster923 »

it would be pretty easyto make a predrestian pawn. just make him eat cheeseburgers and walk around.
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Post by federico »

Write down a set of features that your pedestrian should have.
For example, I think a pedestrian should
- Walk around
- Stop and rest (humming, looking around...)

and, depending by your game genre:
- talk each other (RGP)
- jump to avoid crazy cars (midton madness)
- show fear if they see guns (fps) and hide themselves or surrender
- alert your enemies if they see your gun (stealth games)

With scripting you can do all those things but the basic first list should come first: start there.
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Post by fps »

i would start with psudo code and build up from there.
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Post by zany_001 »

Pawns can be controlled by the player too, and thats commonly used for things like possessing enemies or creating a scripted player for better animations or a more robust player.
and for strategy games.
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