More skydome flexibility

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More skydome flexibility

Post by fps »

i am having trouble with my skydomes clipping the tops of my levels and clouds being too close to the ground.
i would really appriciate a way to make the skydome render under all other rendered objects.
that way it would appear to be behind all other surfaces.
same with clouds and such.

is this possible in the next release???
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Post by Jay »

Mr. Manual says this:
RF manual wrote: SetSkyDome(height, resolution);

Define the height and the resolution of the skydome. The height is the number of texels from the base origin of the terrain to the highest point of the skydome. Default is 400. The resolution is the number of polys used along each side of the dome.A larger number gives more detail but at the cost of rendering speed. Default is 32.
With this you can set the height of the skydome -> You can make it so high that the level is lower. The height of the clouds is also modified.

If it does not work then maybe there is an error in the skydome script or the Init and Run Orders are not setup right (in the entityproperties in the editor). This will both result in the skydome running with its defaults instead of running the script.
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Post by fps »

is there some kind of limit?
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for the internet is a cruel and dark place at times, and there's sex and blood everywhere.

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

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Post by Jay »

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Post by fps »

i had to make them larger to begin with. i will try again.
what controlls where the bottom is?
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for the internet is a cruel and dark place at times, and there's sex and blood everywhere.

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

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Post by Jay »


Constrols at what height the bottom is. It's all in the manual under SkyDome...
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Post by fps »

ok, i will add it to my list of things to fix.
1 wrote:
for the internet is a cruel and dark place at times, and there's sex and blood everywhere.

2 wrote:
You say that like it's a bad thing.

1 wrote:
You are a bad thing.
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