Beginner : Compilation Error

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Beginner : Compilation Error

Post by yue »


I've juz started exploring with RF..
Following the tutorial, I've tried building a room..
But I've errors while compiling...
Can anyone pls kindly tell me the possible reasons for this error?
Wat do they mean by hidden leafs??? :?

** BSP Compile Version: 15
** Build Date/Time: Jan 31 2005,06:32:56
--- Load Brush File ---
Num Solid Brushes : 36
Num Cut Brushes : 0
Num Hollow Cut Brushes : 0
Num Detail Brushes : 0
Num Total Brushes : 36
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
* *** LEAK *** *
* Level is NOT sealed. *
* Optimal removal will not be performed.*
--- WriteLeakFile ---
Occupied : 43
Num Points : 1
Pos1 = 4
Pos2 = 20
Failed to remove hidden leafs.
Compile Failed: GBSP_CreateBSP encountered an error, GBSPLib.Dll.
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Post by federico »

be careful that your level has the three default entiies: EnviromentSetup, PlayerSetup, PlayerStart. Your level should be "closed" in a hollow cube and the three entities should be inside the cube...
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Post by yue »

I drew an enclosed cube, put the player setup, player start and environment setup inside the cube.. But im still getting this error...
Issit due to the "leakage" in the cube?
May i noe how to check for leakage??
And is there any ways for me to set my camera in a default location? (I often zoom around with my camera till i've no idea how to get back to the original location =X)

Thanks ^__^
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Post by AndyCR »

to explain in more technical terms:

This, simply put, is a hole in your level. As you saw, in our level we started out with complete, total blackness. You build onto this blackness, creating rooms, etc. inside it. However, what happens when you create a hole that leads to this blackness?

As you can see, it creates a leak error message, and refuses to compile and play your level. I can hear you saying, "Why is this even an issue? It's not like it's water around my level that might leak in if there are any holes!" Well, simply put, Reality Factory is based upon Genesis3D, which is a BSP engine. BSP could be defined as a way to optimize levels; one thing it does in order to optimize them is remove any faces that are not "seeable" to the player. It does this by comparing what space has entities in it, and what space does not. The space that does not is deemed the void.

Now, visualize, if you will, a hole into the void in your level. The void can then get to your entities, and thus the engine has no clue how to optimize the level. It thus aborts the compile process with an error.

Leaks can be avoided with good level planning, but they are very nearly enevitable.

if you were to, as Fredrico suggested, draw a hollow cube encompassing yiour entire level, the error would go away - however, the engine could not optimize it then. that means the level will be slower.

if you, while your problem level is open, (without having added a cube around the whole thing), right after u try to conmpile and get a leak error, click open, select "Leak Files (*.PNT)" from the drop down box, and choose (name of your level).pnt, there will be a red line drawn from your entity closest the leak to outside of the leak; where the line passes from the inside of your level to the outside is the hole you need to patch.

(to turn the line off, click view->leak finder)
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Post by ZenBudha »

Yeah make sure there is nothing outside of your level like a light or something.

Then the best way to check for leaks is to zoom in. Also check to see if grid snap is turned on. All it takes is a pinhole in the level somewhere and it won't compile.

Just one of those things you have to dig untill you find the leak. Or if it's just a box start a new one and make sure everything snaps right and there are no leaks.
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Post by yue »

thanks for all your help~
i've tried building with a hollow cube and it compiles...
but... i tried running it in rf's preview...
it black screen and kicked me out..
im using laptop with p3, 795MHz, 256ram..

i've tried it on my pc.. p4..
and it works fine...

but i need to use my laptop for demo purposes..
strangely my laptop fulfills the minimum requirement =~~~~~~~~

Minimum Hardware Requirements

500 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
128 MB of RAM
4 speed CD / DVD drive
250 MB of free hard disk space
32 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
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Post by AndyCR »

hmm. could you post the realityfactory.log and d3ddrv.log files from your laptop after it crashes?
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Post by yue »

Here's wat i got in d3ddrv.log
Issit coz of my graphics card?

D3DDrv v100.3
Build Date: Mar 10 2005, Time: 19:28:38

Current Time: 5:32:33
Current Date: 9- 9-2005

** D3D Driver Initializing **

--- D3DMain_CreateDDFromName ---
Name: Primary Display Driver
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 5223424
--- D3DMain_RememberOldMode ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDisplayModes ---
--- D3DMain_CreateD3D ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDevices ---
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 800, H: 600, Bpp: 32, FullScreen: YES
--- D3DMain_PickDevice ---
--- D3DMain_CreateBuffers ---
Back Buffer Count = 1
--- D3DMain_CreateZBuffer ---
CreateZBuffer: No zbuffer found for 3d device.
** Initialization was NOT successful **

--- D3DMain_ShutdownD3D ---
Shutdown was successful...

and realityfactor.log

Searching for fullscreen driver
geEngine_SetDriverAndMode failure
Genesis3D engine creation failure
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Post by AndyCR »

it appears to be your graphics card. what kind is it?

also, try changing this line in realityfactory.ini:




save the file, then try to run rf.
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Post by Jay »

huh? i thought it was opengl not ogl? or do both run?
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Post by AndyCR »

no clue, maybe it is, but when i tried ogl it ran fine and the log file said nothing about d3d, which if its d3d i believe it normally does.

edit: just tried opengl and it wont even run like that. has to be ogl.
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