It spawned from meeting a 3D designer and flash programmer on my work experience. Anyway its FINALLY done and I thawt I might as well post it up here, (since I know you are obviously all desperate to know what I was doing being so quite

Its a point and click adventure game using 3D graphics
here's a screen shot to get you in the mood so to speak,
(screen shot creative commons copyright to me)

and here is the game, its a flash game and free to play, http://www.robotjam.com/games/synapsis (just for the record as Im sure some of you know my name is jason)
I did 3D artwork mainly and ended up getting 50% of the profit, which was nice since weve sold it to addicting games (owned by MTV) as well as about 9 other sites,
it was also reviewed here> http://jayisgames.com/archives/2008/01/synapsis.php