What do you like in a movie?

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What do you like in a movie?

Post by steven8 »

Give me no more than 3 things that are your favorite things to see in a movie. Examples: Car chases, Explosions, etc.
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Re: What do you like in a movie?

Post by LtForce »

1)Massive war scenes (you know, like in LOTR)
2)Realistic shooting (it's oppostite of Die Hard)
3)When small armies of bravemen fight against massive armies and proudly dies in the end (like 300)

Things I hate:
1)When in the end there are two characters left: a man and a woman and they start kissing eachother. That is for XXX movies not action or adventure or any other
2)1 vs the army. I like it in the games, but not in the movies, it's just too stupid.
3)Advertisements. Oh God, I hate that in movies. When the movies are advertising cars it's not that bad, it's nice to recognise something my parents drive in the movie, but not phones. I hate "Transformers" just for advertising Nokia.
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Re: What do you like in a movie?

Post by vrageprogrammer »

I like me in a movie LOL
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Re: What do you like in a movie?

Post by SithMaster »

Action scenes that involve battles between squads or armies.


Not sure if this last one counts but i enjoy a movie i can watch repetitively without getting bored with it.
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Re: What do you like in a movie?

Post by jonas »

1) Decent story
2) Action scene's that are somewhat realistic while at the same time defying some restrictions.
3) Humor

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Re: What do you like in a movie?

Post by MakerOfGames »

Nice new avatar Steven8!

Well, Im not much of a movie fan but....
1) Keeps the same reality - Everything has to fit with the reality it constructs for me. There shouldn't be moments when I go: "Why did that happen? That's not right."
2) Explosions - enough said :D
3) Action - Nothing is better than any kind of action scene(Guns and/or Martial Arts are the best kinds)
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Re: What do you like in a movie?

Post by vrageprogrammer »

1)Red cd's

2)Blue Horses

3) Green mice
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