I've been modding games for many years now, but this will be my first attempt at a standalone game with Reality Factory. Take look!
I'm still working on concept but I'm ready to start building some content very soon. I'm working a lot on background concept now but I will keep the actual game story to a minimum to keep the opportunity to improvise open as much as possible. Keeps it fun this way for me.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Last edited by Sph!nx on Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I don't mean to come off as rude or condescending or anything, but the name you've chosen, in my opinion, is cheesy. Unless that's what you're aiming for, I would suggest changing it.
Hmmm, don't worry. You are right, it's a more of a working title. In the beginning it was meant to become a cartoon parody but now it has changed a bit too much for the name to work.
I will think up a new name and thanks for pointing that out. Sometimes I tend to miss the obvious.
Well, I've totally turned around the concept and still going to work on this.
The idea is now to make a 3rd person action game and, to my knowledge, that is the easiest thing to make from scratch. This is a learning project for me. Also, its going to be in a cartoon style, regarding artwork, so production time is reduced. In that regard, a lame title works perfect for a cartoon game.
Here are the first 'work in progress' shots of the main (player) character. It's gonna be a rogue like space captain. Dont pay that much attention to his pose nor to the way his clothes are positioned. The model still needs to be UV mapped.
Destron is right, the name is cheesy. I need a generic space SF title for the game. A title that can be used for any kind of story. I was thinking of Solana (That's what the human part of the galaxy is called in the concept).
Hey thanks! But I do have a question. I would like to know what the best polycount is for the average character. I know, it all depends on how many models (polys) I plan on having rendered at the same time.
I would like to have the option to create fairly large battlefields (or at least create the illusion) so I know I need a lot of active characters in the same area's. Taken that into consideration, what is the best polycount that Reality Factory can handle?
The current model has 1424 polys and not done yet (needs weapons and gear that adds to the polycount). My guess this is too high ...