Euphoria physics engine GC 2006 demo

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Re: Euphoria physics engine GC 2006 demo

Post by MakerOfGames »

That is a very good finding there. And in this case I think it is only a good simile. I believe Octrees are used to keep track of 3D world data in rendering engines. For those that know, is this how octrees are used in games?:

Using and algorithm the engine chops up the level when compiled into octrees which it will reference for rendering distance when the game is being rendered. Thus a game world is a bunch of octress holding octrees that all hold 3D objects. Now all of these octrees rely on camera position and view distance of the camera to decide what to render within the octree (and its sub octrees if nessicary). Thus the whole level is not rendered at once as octrees are rendered based on camera view and then objects are excluded from render with a seprarte algorthim that looks for intersections of objects in the field of view. Thus the engine only renders the objects that are visible on screen. Even more advanced engines use an algorithm that looks at what polygons of objects are visible and only renders the polygons that are visible within the octrees that it can "see". That advanced algorithm is called occlusion.

Did I get that information correct? or did I confuse it with another aspect?
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Re: Euphoria physics engine GC 2006 demo

Post by jonas »

Oh ok :) I think I got it a little mixed up when I saw the reference image posted there on the wikipedia. But it would be a similiar concept to a degree. But on a model and polygon level, and instead of using it for camera rendering, use it with the physics to calculate which group of polygons are effected.

Sorry to get started on this rampage. While looking for some python scripts I ran across that and apparently quickly got confused. But at least I know now :)

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Re: Euphoria physics engine GC 2006 demo

Post by Allanon »

Below are some Google cache links to Pixalux's old website. They created DMM which is the physics engine used for breaking objects. These web pages sort of explain how the breaking is done. ... d=32&gl=us ... cd=1&gl=us

Also here is a link to Pixalux's first video demo: ... ff219.html
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Re: Euphoria physics engine GC 2006 demo

Post by MakerOfGames »

I must reiterate that I am not not entirely sure of myself with my explaination of octrees. I am pretty sure thats how octrees work however, I might have confused them with somthing else or confused a whole bunch of stuff together. I read about that kind of thing a while ago, but never studied it to any degree. I personally don't enjoy coding to the degree of writing a game engine and so the information I have found on it has become rusty.

Anyhow, those are some good links there Allanon. I will have to check those out later, their main site is down for maintenance this week as I tried to view the web pages by clicking on Home on the links you gave and I got redirected to a temporary page.
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