Summer Job

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Summer Job

Post by Agentarrow »

(personally, I don't think Virgil ever looked so good)

I got a summer job developing a game called "Mech, Fight to the finish" My employer's got me working my arse off though, He says the game needs to be done by May 20th. (Shudder) but luckily, it is RF based, so I'll fair pretty well. If I can have it done by then I'll get $5 for every copy sold. (yay me)
only a few problems:
1) Due to the deadline, I'll have to use default actors as game characters
2) Also due to the deadline, I'll have to use default weapons (but fewer of them)
3) Another deadline problem; I'll have to use the Textures I have in reserve for Terra Trooper, as it'll take too long to make new ones
4) My Simkin scripting skills are on the low side
5) I have no idea how to get a good installer (like for Nirhis)

All in all, I'll have no life this bit of the summer, but it'll also make me some money :D

The game basically, is a tournament of Mech suited players (robot.act) having a huge tournament inside a huge (like four football fields) building. There are several levels, to advance through, and the only objective: be the last one standing. The player (virgil_red.act) stumbles across one of the champions who makes a bet with him: Win the tournament, and face hime for the championship title
Being the game character you are, you accept this challenge, and are thrown into the battle.

The game is full of winding tunnels, low visibility, and hazards like Lava.
I hope no one objects to this. But I figured I should get it out.
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Re: Summer Job

Post by darksmaster923 »

Agentarrow wrote:Image
(personally, I don't think Virgil ever looked so good)

I got a summer job developing a game called "Mech, Fight to the finish" My employer's got me working my arse off though, He says the game needs to be done by May 20th. (Shudder) but luckily, it is RF based, so I'll fair pretty well. If I can have it done by then I'll get $5 for every copy sold. (yay me)
only a few problems:
1) Due to the deadline, I'll have to use default actors as game characters
2) Also due to the deadline, I'll have to use default weapons (but fewer of them)
3) Another deadline problem; I'll have to use the Textures I have in reserve for Terra Trooper, as it'll take too long to make new ones
4) My Simkin scripting skills are on the low side
5) I have no idea how to get a good installer (like for Nirhis)

All in all, I'll have no life this bit of the summer, but it'll also make me some money :D

The game basically, is a tournament of Mech suited players (robot.act) having a huge tournament inside a huge (like four football fields) building. There are several levels, to advance through, and the only objective: be the last one standing. The player (virgil_red.act) stumbles across one of the champions who makes a bet with him: Win the tournament, and face hime for the championship title
Being the game character you are, you accept this challenge, and are thrown into the battle.

The game is full of winding tunnels, low visibility, and hazards like Lava.
I hope no one objects to this. But I figured I should get it out.
thats quite a bit of problems. you could always take free textures of the internet. the installer is innosetup installer which is very nice too.
Herp derp.
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Re: Summer Job

Post by LtForce »

I don't want to be rude or anything, but would anyone buy a game made with RF?
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Re: Summer Job

Post by Destron »

Yes. But it has to be a good game. Making a good, fun, playable game doesn't have a lot to do with the graphics, although I will admit the graphics are one of the first things I turn to when I look at a game that might be interesting.
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Re: Summer Job

Post by Sph!nx »

Sure you can make real jewels with Reality Factory but you do need a lot of new content. Just a summer seems a bit short of time.
Regards Sph!nx

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Re: Summer Job

Post by Agentarrow »

well, the game is only sold for $10. So it'll be "worth looking into" If you ever go to a Best Buy near me, $10 will get you a Sudoku game or dominoes or something like that. Having this on the shelf might be good... Also, It'll be sold in VERY limited quantities. Like a special addition sorta thing.
However, I took the job, simply because my employer is being very generous about some stuff. I get $5 for every copy sold ($1 for disk, $1 for disk case, $8 Profit, $5 for me, $3 for him) I also get to put Agent Arrow games on it even though it's just me making it, not my team. (However, unless I'm VERY proud of this game, I probably won't)
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Re: Summer Job

Post by Agentarrow »

Well, I met my employer ago and asked a LOT of questions.
Turns out, he knows NOTHING about games. After all the questions, I determined that he wasn't going to help in any way. He had obviously hired me to make some easy money without doing anything. I laughed in his face and quit the production.
I just saved myself a ton of free time. But... I'll have to get a real summer job.
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Re: Summer Job

Post by paradoxnj »

5) I have no idea how to get a good installer (like for Nirhis)
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Re: Summer Job

Post by Agentarrow »

thanks Paradox, but I quit. and I won't need one for TT for a while
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Re: Summer Job

Post by Trougedoor122 »

yeah good thing to because there is a really old computer game called mechwarriors II mercinaries that uses a similair story line (exept your in the military instead of a compition)
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Re: Summer Job

Post by Agentarrow »

lol? but yeah Trougedoor, now you can't laugh in my face when it's not done.
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