Save Points?

Topics regarding Scripting with Reality Factory
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Save Points?

Post by Juryiel »

Well after filling in for someone at work for 2 months I have some time off again. Yay. Back to my game :)

I wanted to start by finishing up my menu script so I could release it to anyone who wants to make an RPG. The only functionality that is missing right now (besides the function of each item, which will be left up to the user) is saving the number of each item the player has. I know I can use attributes to save this info, however, I would like to use Save Points in my game instead of the default save function. I was wondering if it was possible to save other info by calling a function at a save point. I've tried to look through the manual and couldn't find anything but I may have missed it.

If this isn't available perhaps it should be a feature for a future release.
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Re: Save Points?

Post by Juryiel »

Hmm I was wondering if we could get a save-game viewer. I'd like to see what things are saved using the regular save function, so that maybe I can try converting them to Attributes and saving them, thus creating save point functionality. Can I possibly get some insight on that from whoever made the save-game format?
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Re: Save Points?

Post by QuestOfDreams »

There's currently no command to save a game from within a script.
You can find out which variables get saved by searching the RF code for SaveTo functions. Basically, things that get saved are the current level, player position/rotation, the states of the entities, attributes, the state of the camera.
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Re: Save Points?

Post by Juryiel »

Do you think it might be possible to add that to 0.76 or some other future version?

Thanks for the heads up though QoD. I'll try to find out what gets saved and try to turn it into an Attribute to perhaps create a "Save Point" script if this feature is too time-consuming to add and won't make it in 0.76.
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