turning html code on in my signature

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turning html code on in my signature

Post by jonas »

Does anyone know how to turn html code on in your signature? Or is it a something QoD has to do.

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Post by jonas »

Never mind! I got it figured out! I used bbcode!

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lose the images please

Post by gekido »

that signature is ridiculous - you shouldn't have images in your sig's period, let alone something so huge...

there are people that use this forum all around the world, and many of them are on dialup still.

not to mention the fact that it's very distracting.
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Post by Spyrewolf »

yeah i second that it's one thing that 'irks me when i'm reading forums is picture sig's

yeah and dude if your gonna use an image make it smaller cos it clugs the forum up a bit.. :)
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Post by QuestOfDreams »

Please don't use images in your signature
If you really really need a picture there (and I doubt you will), keep it small (max 32x32 pixels),
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Post by jonas »

Sorry! :oops: I didn't mean for it to be that big! I have it on my web-page, and it always shrinks it down I guess. Is there a way to restrict the size with bbcode? I couldn't find an avator that I liked anywere that had low enough settings to fit. Sooooo............................ :cry: I Put something else there

[edit]Oh by the way, if you would add that to the rules noone else will do that....[edit]

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resizing via html / bbcode versus resizing images

Post by gekido »

even if you resized the images via bbcode or html you are still forcing everyone to download the entire image in full resolution.

this is one of those 'html 101' errors that alot of people make - web-browsers can easily resize images to be larger or smaller VISUALLY but they don't actually downsize the file-size of the image itself.

check out a program like irfanview (http://www.irfanview.com) to actually 'resize' the image itself if you are looking to use a larger image online - you can easily resize images down - just make sure you use the 'keep aspect ratio' option so that it doesn't distort or mangle the image proportions as you resize it.
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