RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Programming Reality Factory and Genesis3D.
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by Jay »

I made a diagram showing the 'evolution of RF':


As you can see, both RF_NGD and the first community release stem from RF075C. RealityFactoryCR April 2008 (which is the one i meant as the 'merge of physiscs+community release') Stems from both of them, but also has the scripted projectiles.

RF076 stems from RF075C but also includes some of the features (Wind fro example) of the first CommunityRelease. It does not include the physics release.
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by fps »

As you can see, both RF_NGD and the first community release stem from RF075C. RealityFactoryCR April 2008 (which is the one i meant as the 'merge of physiscs+community release') Stems from both of them, but also has the scripted projectiles.
so this is the big one.
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by madness »

Whats the situation on this? progress?
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by Matte »

So if I understand well, to use these physics we have to be able to script in RF? So we just can't have physics if we only take the NGD package, but only after we scripted it?
Is this correct?
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by Danimita92 »

Matte wrote:So if I understand well, to use these physics we have to be able to script in RF? So we just can't have physics if we only take the NGD package, but only after we scripted it?
Is this correct?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can use physics just by adding a few entities to the level, but if you want ragdolls, you have to add a little if(something something) turn ragdoll on, in your enemy's script
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by Veleran »

Untill the physics in added to rf,can i ask federico if you have breakable objects like a wall or a bookcase,and model the actor is made by several elements (stone fragments,single books and wood pieces)
and each broken stone is assigned to bones:
In the pic every 2nd bone in the IK chain may move the assigned element (stone) away to simulate the expolsion.
Will this type of skeleton work,(if i have nt restricted the actor compile the bones move/rotate-slide/strech)
and the stones will move and bounce off and push back other objects if they hit them?
I mean i hope the element to move and rotate the link,and the link will just pass the transform info.

If it does nt work that way,then i hope the ragdolls to stretch the first links of
the skeleton automaticaly so the stones may move away from their origin.

And will the wall,or bookcase be a pawn that will be replaced by the broken version for the explosion?
Bones_Explode.jpg (28.69 KiB) Viewed 3326 times
Last edited by Veleran on Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RealityFactory(0.75C)+NewtongameDynamics :: Release 1.0

Post by Allanon »

Veleran, why not just make the wall or bookcase a model and animate it to explode from with in the world editor? You can even use the destroyable model entity to make the model disappear after it explodes.
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